Friday, January 6, 2006

Adventures in a Small Town

It all began at 8:30 when the hockey game had concluded (with a 5-0 win for Canada!!!). We all grabbed our skates and mittens and headed to the outdoor rink around the corner. One of our party was a hockey player and has been for the past 15 years, he was quite comfortable in skates and is able to skate circles around the rest of us! Another wished he were a hockey player, he's able to skate and handle the puck, but is no competition for hockey players. The third member of the party, who is usually quite the tough guy, was relatively scared to be heading out onto the ice for his first time in nearly 10 years. This made the situation moderately easier for me. While i am nothing close to an experienced skater, i am able to stand and, for the most part, maneuver myself around the rink running into a very limited amount of people and injuring only one (myself!).
When we reached the rink we saw a number of skilled skaters practicing their moves for the world to see. Some of them must of been at least 8 years old, i knew, from the moment i saw them, i knew that this would not be an ego boosting experience, unless you were the 8 year old kids.
Skating lasted for nearly 2 hours, and by then, my toes were nearly ready to fall off. I guess it didn't help that i was wearing my 11 year old brothers skates. Though they fit surprisingly well *sigh*
We decided to head to Tim Hortons, 'the hangout' place in our hick-ville. On the way there, our night was about to have a twist of excitement! We were at one of the 6 stop lights in town when we noticed a foreign object hanging on the underside of a passing truck. Unsure of what it may be and and itch for adventure, we decided to follow the vehicle . . . it led us to a gas station, one which i had never visited before (which added greatly to such an exciting escapade we were undertaking). When we finally caught up to the truck and pulled along side we discovered, much to our disappointment that the foreign object that had once looked amazingly similar to a human being, was none other then an old piece of a tree, something quite common in their area.
With the adventure over we continued our trip to 'the hangout'. On the way the driver got a bit . . . confused and went through a red light! Oh it was extremely stimulating, an experience i will not soon forget!
We arrived at Tim's later then we had planned an the other part of our party had already ordered their drinks and found a seat. I ordered my large English Toffee (i can never remember which i prefer, english toffee or french vanilla . . . now that i think about it, i'm guessing its the vanilla one, i'll have to remember that next time . . .) and took a seat on the firm and extremly uncomfortable seats.
And there we sat, for 2 hours. And what did we talk about for that long, you may ask . . . it was all quite intriguing i assure you. I basically received the story line and most exciting quotes of over a dozen movies i have never seen, and now have no real urge to see.
It is rather fascinating how guys can memorize and then later quote every scene from every movie they have ever seen, yet are unable to remember a number or a date!
All in all it was an eventfull evening and it was summed up whe, on the way home we went through a second red light! We were lucky the cops were out searching for yet another troubled teen who was roaming our streets causing mischief. Thank God for small towns and their simple ways of life.
In just 4 days i will be returning to the big city were i will no longer be able to experience small town pleasures . . .

-small town girl living a small town life for a few more days-

1 comment:

Nav said...

I'll be seeing you soon! I work until 9:30 Monday night, so hopefully I won't miss your homecoming:)