Sunday, March 21, 2010

all mine own

in all eyes your value is at odds;
a struggle for worth means little
when you lay among the mud.
so smile and cheer in attempt to rise
but your sentence lies in us

i am aware you are there
but your shine remains unseen
and i scoff at other's hunger.
in you i behold naught
and my glances pass you by

they wonder at my dispassion
presuming my hiding in fear
and turning from the truth.
but certitude rules me, while fancy you.
no value in dust i see.

~in the eyes of the beholder~

Saturday, March 20, 2010

a small hole where he use to be

Erin and I are worried... we have not seen GCG in days! perhaps even a week!
The last time we had any sort of update (i use this in a very broad sense) was probably last week sometime when we were washing out dishes and noticed the desk and computer were gone! Then the next day it was in the corner right in front of the window, so instead of seeing the computer screen, we saw GCG's face. Honestly, that was more disturbing.

But since those twists of events, he (and the cats) have been MIA, and the blinds have been closed almost entirely!

Though we are thankful we no longer have to watch girl-on-girl while washing dishes, Erin and I are worried, and feel a sense of sadness for the loss of... entertainment?
Does that make us horrible people?
Will GCG get the wrong idea if Erin writes him a letter?

~wanted: a life for 2 young, easily entertained university students. apply below~

Sunday, March 14, 2010

with the touch of a hand

i dare say this might label me old fashioned or traditional, but i prefer the guy to make the first move. i'll admit that at times my feelings, or hormones preside over my mind and i do or say something a bit risky, but then, in my head, i hear the voice of a black-and-white man from the 50's telling his daughter how to behave like a proper lady, and be respectable.

there is little that attracts me more to a male then his strength and willingness to take the lead and be in control. disclaimer: this does not mean that i have not been charmed by members of the opposite sex who do not possess these qualities. (double negatives, i know, bad me)

i find myself wondering sometimes, however, what exactly do i deem a 'move'. because a move for me, may not be a move for him. must he act only under my conditions in order for me to consider him? if his actions are not within my set understandings, am i going against my standards? or simply exploring outside of my box, and being adventurous...

~it may be time to get creative~

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

the window into a new world

i've previously told you about our neighbour, you know, the one who's computer faces our kitchen window. the one who watches porn, and even though Erin pounds on the window for him to turn it off/close his blinds, the next time (the same day in fact) the blinds are open again.

well this guy really has no shame.

he knows we can see him, yet his blinds are always open.

Over the past 2 and a half months we have seen far too many aspects of his pathetic life.
there's his World of Warcraft passion
girl-on-girl porn fetish (for breakfast...)
un-mother-approved eating habits (mhmm a 2L bottle of Pepsi and a large bag of salt n' vinegar ships sounds like a good dinner to me!!)
hand-bangin' bum shakin' awkward shifting dancing!

the most recent 'sharing' incident between his room and our kitchen was thankfully one i did not witness. instead, Erin was the fortunate observer of GCG (greasy computer guy) undressing.... (i try ever so hard not to laugh, because it truly was a painful and scarring experience for Erin).
Who knew that all that sitting at the computer, eating chips, and drinking pop wasn't good for his figure?!

however, in good news, he got a haircut, AND a new shirt!

~the life of a bachelor~