Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Held in Bed

Last night I had a dream that I had been kidnapped and held hostage. He held me hostage in a bed. I wasn’t tied (this wasn’t a kinky dream). He just told me to stay there, and he served me. He brought me drink and food when ere I needed it. I think he was trying to make me fall in love with him. He seemed to have known me (perhaps he was a stalker as well).
Occasionally he would allow others to enter the house, but they were not permitted any kind of weapon, and he had a gun on them the entire time.

A while later, after I’d been rescued and my kidnapper had been convicted, I was with a friend and we returned to the house where it happened. I thought I would be ok, but then someone came out. The man, though very handsome, looked just like the man that had held me against my will. I started to shake; I could barely breath. I turned away and fell to the ground. Apparently the incident really affected me.

They explained to me that this was that guy’s brother. They are nothing alike and he feels horrible for what his brother did to me.
Ok, I got over it. But then, for some reason, they brought me with them when they went to see his family. I didn’t have quite the breakdown that I had had earlier, but I was definitely not comfortable. The good brother explained to the family why I was uneasy. Apparently they didn’t know.

~Apparently, the warmer I am, the less I dream~

Thursday, May 17, 2012

One of Life's Cruel Games

There will always be at least one or two students that drive you CRAZY. And that's not to say that you will necessarily dislike those students, but your patience with them maybe continuously on this ice. One of these students for me is Chiku. She cannot sit still, she does not stop talking, and you should never trust a word out of her mouth.

Well Chiku, entered the school in tears today. Her knee and elbows were cut open and bleeding as she'd tripped on a "big rock" and fell onto the stones. So I took her to the bathroom and helped clean her up.
Once she'd stopped crying, and she'd been bandaged she declared, "I don't think I'll be running on those rocks any time soon!" (for the record she can was running on them by the end of the day)
I told her that's a good idea, she probably shouldn't have been running on them to begin with.
She looked up at me and said in her matter-of-fact way, "but Miss Dahmer, I didn't want to be late. It makes you made and I don't like when you're mad."
Too bad she tends to forget this at all other times of the day. Oh well, it was cute.

Later today, I was at the library when this same girl rushes in. She stops, looks at me and yells "Miss Dahmer!" in a somewhat accusing voice, and attacks me with a hug. Apparently all my talk of "library voices" haven't sunk in. But no surprises there.

At least I know she'll still love me after I've pulled out all my hair.

~above all else, love; for love covers a multitude of sins~

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Take Me, Inside The Words

We all retain- whether publicly or not- a venue of interest. A site, in the depths of our mind, where our thoughts and fantasies reside. There, exists a spring of unending whims. The purpose of this source differs from person to person. As does its authority.
For me, my mind, heart, and soul is refreshed within the confines of literature. Words that long preexist me, and so will prevail. Stories of love, passion, courage, and fear. Words webbed together in a genuine form of beauty. Artists whom I admire and envy above all else.
To be surrounded by so many worlds, characters, dreams, and desires does little but fuel me. Fuel me for life, love, and purpose. No matter the affair at hand, I draw my stimulus from these things.

And so, with a refuge such as this, is it unnatural to yearn for my own passion among the immortal? To somehow, if only in my insignificant form, join in on their pleasure for a short time. It is not to slight the masters that I hunger for this, but to honour them.

~words become meaningful when bound~