Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Guiding Light

Last year in my practicum, I taught a grade 4 class. A huge chunk of my time there was devoted to my teaching the "Light and Shadows" unit from the Science curriculum. Now many of you know I'm not a huge science girl... but it ended up being a ton of fun. How come as you get older, the available topics of study in science narrow, and interesting thing like "Light" is forgotten!

Anyway, integration is a huge deal- and I completely agree with that! So for one of my LA lessons (LA is language arts, and I was teaching poetry!) my practicum teacher had found a poem to go along with my science unit! Is there anything more fun than that?

The point... I am currently working on a project for my tech class, and I am basing it on the "Light and Shadows" unit I taught last year. While working on this I found a copy of the poem. Not only did it bring back some great memories, but the poem also spoke to me.

Here is a copy of it for you to read and [hopefully] enjoy.

Someone Else’s Light by Elaine Laron
The sun is filled with shining light, it blazes far and wide.
The moon reflects the sunlight back, but has no light inside.
I think I'd rather be the sun, that shines so bold and bright.
Than be the moon, that only glows with someone else's light.

~What part are you playing?~

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So there is this girl... I'll call her Kenadie, who likes Mason. She texts him all the time, always wants to hangout, and now... she wants to go watch him play soccer.
Their history as acquaintances isn't long. Kenadie is friends with the girl that Mason's best friend (we'll call him Casanova) occasionally fools around with. They went on a "double date" that wasn't even a double date because Mason was dating me, and was dragged along by Casanova.

She's aware that Mason isn't available, but isn't backing down.  I don't want to be a crazy girlfriend... but is it a bad thing that this bugs me? Should I feel threatened? Do I have a right to be upset?

Mason assures me that they're just friends, and only get together periodically to "keep in touch." It's not that I don't trust Mason... It's that I don't trust Kenadie.

~Jealousy is no more than feeling alone against smiling enemies (Elizabeth Bowen)~

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sometimes I wonder... why me?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Magic Carpet Ride

I once was satisfied with 'something', because at least 'something' was better than nothing. This way I was only partially lonely, and periodically felt important. On good days I could believe that I was wanted, and someone would be there fighting for me. I thought that we were still young, and expecting anything more than that was outrageous and unreasonable. We just needed time to grow up.

Now that I have 'everything' I see that having only 'something' diminished my self worth. Who knew that there was someone out there who wanted this too, and openly acknowledged it! I now see all is better than some. To be treated like you matter all the time beats occasional value any day. And who knew there was someone who willingly put your happiness over theirs! I thought I could only find this in the fictional world!

~A whole new world, a new fantastic point of view~

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Foot Poppin'

I have the VHS version of Princess Diaries . I loved that movie, and really, what young girl doesn't love a Cinderella story. Anne Hathaway (before she was anyone) and Julie Andrews... Julie Andrews teaching and guiding Anne through what it takes to reach her true potential... in the movie and probably in real life as well!

A story of a girl looking for love -or more specifically a "foot popping kiss"- torn between sudden popularity and attention, and what's real.
But isn't that what we're all trying to figure out, what's true from what's a passing fad or a lie. That's one thing about romantic comedies, they have enough reality in them that we almost forget about the romantic twists and believe that "hey, it could happen!"

"because you saw me when I was invisible"

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Check One

Growing up I was not always the most adventurous eater. When I told my mother I didn't like something, she would tell me that I could not make that judgement without first trying it. Often (though I didn't admit it to her), upon trying the supposed unpalatable food, I found to enjoy it more than I earlier expected.
This can be applied to more than just questionable food. Life is about experiencing, learning and making mistakes. Sure there are things to definitely avoid, but there are also waters out there that should be tested. So next time you come across a river, lake, sea, or puddle, weigh your options. Is it worth the effort of trying to jump or cross the water remaining dry, or could you risk dipping your toe in... who knows what may happen.

~sometimes you have to just take a chance. and if your scared of the past, just remember it's the past for a reason and it's not worth missing out on great things that could come in the future. take a chance, have no regrets~

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Today's Greeting

sorry, she was suppose to present a message from me to you, but it didn't work.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pass it On

You make me smile like the sun
Fall outta bed
Sing like a bird
Dizzy in my head
Spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night

You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold
Buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Oh, you make me smile

~Brought to you by Mason, I mean Uncle Kracker~

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cloud 9

Yesterday someone commented on how I was on Cloud 9. I could not disagree, lately I had been rather jubilant, and I have always liked this saying, however I must admit, I could not say I knew exactly what it meant. So, while I should have been doing 1 of my 5 assignments due next week, or working on my applications... I researched it!

And here is some of what I found.

The Meaning: In a state of blissful happiness
Origin: Apparently, whenever a phrases uses a number, then the clues to finding its derivation usually focus on that number. (who knew!)

A commonly heard explanation stems from the cloud classifications from the US weather bureau in the 1950's, which depicts "cloud 9" as the fluffy, cumulonimbus type that are considered attractive (personally my favourite are the storm clouds).
Of course there is another popular explanation that has to do with the levels of enlightenment in Buddhism.

While these hold much of the world's beliefs, neither of them seem to hold much water. Both the cloud classifications, as well as the levels of enlightenment actually have 10 levels, not 9. To single out the second last stage seems silly.
Also, 9 is apparently far from the only number that has ever been linked with clouds. There has been a Cloud 8, Cloud 7, and Cloud 39. It has only been since the 1980's or so that 'Cloud 9' has been the predominant used cloud number. Of course that may be because of the term being used in popular music.

So what have we learned... that the origin of "Cloud 9" remains a mystery. While there are speculations as to its roots, one cannot be certain.

While the origin of the saying may remain a mystery, how I got to 'Cloud 9' is clear as day.

~You're as free as a bird in flight (Cloud nine)
There's no difference between day and night (Cloud nine)
It's a world of love and harmony (Cloud nine)
You're a million miles from reality ~
- The Temptations, Cloud Nine

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I have had very little experience when it comes to boys cooking for me. I didn't seem to think this was a big deal, is isn't the style of the boys I know. When Mason heard this, he was appalled... and adamant about changing that.
Last night was the first time.

I was told to sit and relax while he made dinner (no complaints there). So I sat, with his brother's science magazine in hand, to watch him work.
Watching him move around the kitchen, with such ease, comfort, and mastery distracted me from the magazine. It was one of the most irresistible images I had ever seen. If it hadn't of been for his brother studying at the kitchen table... well let's just say I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

And if it couldn't get better... the food tasted great too!
Nothing like a heated kitchen, spicy scents, and a mouthful of flavours to charm a girl.

~consider me wined and dined~

Friday, March 11, 2011


I've always been here, on the edge of the cliff. I've been on the brink of falling since the beginning, though there were times over these 8 years I could claim more stability than others. But ultimately, I was destined to fall. Not that those around could tell, I was good at hiding it.  Pretending the ground I stood on was sturdy took skill and practice. Who knew I had such great balance.
But the gig is up. The balancing act is over. I've given up and I've fallen. All I'm waiting for now is hitting the ground, for that's when reality will kick in. Until then I'm just free-falling, and that almost feels good.

'...and how does that make you feel?'

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

isn't this always the way it goes

~all dressed up, but no one cares~

(because I borrowed this from a friend's blog and she had not credited them, I am sorry that I am not giving the proper credit where it is due. If you can help me with this, leave me a comment and I will fix it! )

Monday, March 7, 2011

Inner Dialogue

Yes, no... maybe?

I have always been an indecisive person. Throughout elementary school and into high school, my best friend always made my decisions for me. When she got a boyfriend, however, and our relationship began to... shift, I was forced to show some resolve. I had to make decisions.
I am not bitter about this change, I am well aware that having to make my own decisions is a vital part of growing up and ultimately living.

Today, I remain an ill-proficient decision maker. I know that many people feel that way, but I believe (and have been told) that I am worse than most.
At times it is because I honestly do not care. Other times it is because I am unsure how I feel about a situation. And other's I am afraid of the consequences.

Knowing the difference between want and need plays an important role in this. Of course this is much easier without the world's views being pushed down your throat. And their ideas been taught as best.
Peer pressure is a bitch.

~join the joyride~

Sunday, March 6, 2011

When you least expect it

The smile that melts your heart
a sunrise in your eyes
The touch of electrifying shivers
the tip of an iceberg
The words of unfamiliar comfort
a field of wild flowers
The kiss that takes your breath away
life under the sea

~what you hoped for~

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Standard of Behaviour

It seems funny to me that all steps are the same size. Who was the one who appointed the size of this conventional step? Is it something that was carefully researched and studied over many years, by numerous highly educated and informed individuals? Or is it randomly chosen based on one guy's step making skills? Maybe when steps were first invented, only one guy had the tools and training to make/install them, so he got to choose their size and it just sort of stuck...?

They say that we are all so accustomed to these standard measurements, that a step off, by even the most minimal amount, can cause quite the uproar! I can attest to this, as one of the steps leading up to my house is slightly larger than the others, and people are tripping on it all the time! (Can you be sued for that?)

I walk up the steps to my stairs on a daily basis, I know that one of those steps is larger than the others, but that knowledge does not help the reality of it. The falling appears to be inevitable. How dumb to you feel when you know that step is in your path -you can see it coming- and yet, when you do finally come to you, you still end up tripping, and often falling.

Steps are important in getting anywhere. Moving up, one step at a time- that's life! Throw in a step even moderately larger than the average one, however, and people will fall. Mainly I will fall. That or I will feel like I am falling.

~Jump then fall~

Denying Bliss

There are a number of slightly varying definitions for denial. The important parts are - in my humble opinion- 1) it is a rejection of the truth; 2) it is a defense mechanism.
The definitions I've found state that it is a unconscious action, but I wonder if there are times when the do-er is vaguely aware.

It is easy enough to slip into. Off the top of my head I can think of a handful of people who are currently suffering?... experiencing?... living?... enjoying? (what is the correct word?) denial. Including myself. 

Perhaps I am unsure of what word to use because it is subjective. I am perfectly content living in my denial. Facing and accepting the truth is more menacing than opposing its very existence! Others, however, upon discovering their face turned away from the truth, may be appalled.

~no answer at all~