Monday, March 7, 2011

Inner Dialogue

Yes, no... maybe?

I have always been an indecisive person. Throughout elementary school and into high school, my best friend always made my decisions for me. When she got a boyfriend, however, and our relationship began to... shift, I was forced to show some resolve. I had to make decisions.
I am not bitter about this change, I am well aware that having to make my own decisions is a vital part of growing up and ultimately living.

Today, I remain an ill-proficient decision maker. I know that many people feel that way, but I believe (and have been told) that I am worse than most.
At times it is because I honestly do not care. Other times it is because I am unsure how I feel about a situation. And other's I am afraid of the consequences.

Knowing the difference between want and need plays an important role in this. Of course this is much easier without the world's views being pushed down your throat. And their ideas been taught as best.
Peer pressure is a bitch.

~join the joyride~

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