Tuesday, January 31, 2012

¡Breaking News!

That which has always been rumoured, but never experienced in my life has transpired! Up until now, when a man had been told of his woman's discontent or worry, some [false] sympathy had been expressed, and a moment or two of "transformation" unfolded.  But that was the extent of it. Recently however, after informing Mason that  I was unhappy and needed a change. I was amazed to SEE that change occur- almost instantaneously.

Now I know what you sceptics are thinking- because I use to be one, so I know how you think. But it's been nearly 2 weeks, and the alterations in behaviour have been constant throughout. It was not a one time thing, but a genuine, modification.

I am baffled, overwhelmed, and sincerely impressed. Miracles really do happen!
He continues to amaze me, and for that I am grateful. I applaud his heart, commitment, and patience (mostly in dealing with my sometimes irrational fears).

~only slightly exaggerated~

Sunday, January 22, 2012

"According to my Research"

I hope this isn't true, or I still have a long way to go. Though I doubt it is. In my opinion a lot of what scientists, or psychologist tell the public is just one possibility of what the "evidence" points to. It's all in how you interpret it. 
Plus, much of what our world views as love, is little more than a lust or obsession over someone... or even over a feeling. Our world sees love as a self-centered thing, what can it do for me. Love-true love-is selfless, and this in itself very un-like our world. 

~you had me at hello~

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pin It

I have recently fallen prey to Pinterest. If you have not heard of it- stand strong, don't go check it out. It's addicting! So many interesting ideas, recipes, pictures, quotes... the list goes on! I've joined only days ago, and already I've collected (or in the world of Pinterest "pinned") over 100 pictures and links.
In a way, it's like window shopping, except that there's no fear of falling into actual shopping because they don't have your credit card, and you don't have friends dragging you into stores. It's merely the opportunity to collect ideas of things you like, in nearly any interest or desires.
It is an ingenious way to lead unsuspecting internet users into hours of wasted time, with little more than pictures to show for your quest.

The worst part of all is it has tempted me to explore areas, and feed my fancy on topics I should not currently be concerned with. It has enveloped my mind and seeped into my dreams! Two nights ago Mason and I were wedding planning! Dreams are evil, evil things fed by Pinterest.

~be careful what you're looking for~

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Need to Move in Forward Motion

What began as an adventure has quickly spiralled into motionless realm. That which once encouraged anticipation, now generates vexation. Too many evenings of solitude tends to harden a person- occasionally to the point of desperation. 6 hours no longer seems too long for the touch of a hand that does not belong to a 6 year old. 
The seemingly positive news that only 5 moths remains drives me further to the edge, rather than hearten retreat. 
There is a reason, I just don't see it. And I struggle. 

~stop sending the message I don't want to get~

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wait At Least A Year

You put us on pause to give yourself more time. But I ask, why can't it be simultaneous? Whoever said two changes, growths, or advancements can't be accomplished together. Stability is a state of mind. It need not be financial or professional. If you are ready for the next step, than surrounding factors need not interfere. The next big adventure is waiting for you at your finger tips. Stop brushing and reach out.
~apparently our time lines neither align, nor intertwine~

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I read this quote and thought it was cute. And true. If guys (and girls for that matter) spent their time thinking of new ways to show their significant other that they love them, then they'll have less time thinking about non-significant others. If we stop thinking about ourselves, and what would make us 'happy' and instead thought of ways to make others happy, then I think the end result would be 2 happy people.

The quote also reminded me of a song (because ultimately, almost everything in life reminds me of a song).
So here's the song, and lyrics (because to me, that's where the meaning and value lies)

While the above song is by an Andrew Allen, I see here fit to share lyrics from a song by a Kris Allen. I don't think there is any relation.

Kris says,
"We only got 86 400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or to throw it all away
We gotta tell them that we love them
While we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying"

~start living in love~

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It Separates the Men from the Travelers

My Kindergarten student (Kayson) came to school today, all dressed up in black slacks  and a shiny, long-sleeved, button down purple shirt. For a kid who is most commonly seen in sweatpants and an athletic shirt, this came as a bit of a shock to me.
And so I asked him, "Kayson, you look handsome today. What's the occasion?"
He looked up at me and said, "I had to wear it to show you my purple shirt."

Before Christmas, Kayson had told me he'd asked his Grandma for a purple shirt for Christmas. At the time I thought it was an odd request for a 6 year old.
Now that I see the shirt, I know it is an odd request for a 6 year old.
But man did he ever look cute!
This look, but without the pinstripes and on a 6 year old. 

In other news. 
One of my boys came to school this morning and informed me that they were leaving for Mexico tonight for a month. 
Thanks for the heads up.

~maybe I'll move to Russia~

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

'I have an Announcement'

One of my students tells me today, "You know Mexican's aren't just Mexican's they're people too."
Trying to stifle my laughter I asked him, "oh yeah, where did you hear that?"
"On a movie."

During our school assembly this morning, our principal was making announcements about upcoming events. When he was done with his information, he asked the fellow teachers, and the student government if they had anything to add. One of my little girls raised her hand, when the principal called on her she declared, "and we're starting 'show and tell' in our class'."
Thanks for sharing dear...

It's good to laugh at least once a day. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Take My Hand

Three facebook friends have announced their engagements over the last 24 hours. It's an epidemic! Or perhaps they are influenced by the impending "end of the world." The same thing happened before and during the World Wars, and (according to Mrs. Weasley) at the height of Voldemort's power the first time around. In the face of fear and uncertainty, human beings cling to one another. It is in other's we find love and hope, and ultimately a reason for living. It is for this reason that, when faced with the possibility of death or world wide pandemonium, we seek refuge in each other. The fear or doubt that might otherwise influence, are forgotten in the surrounding unease.
I guess it takes war and bedlam for Love to become our foundation.

~Mason remains unperturbed ~

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Memories Bring only Tears

My holidays are over, and I'm now home- if I can call such a place home.
It is windy, quiet, lonely. Home is suppose to be where my heart is, but my heart is anywhere but here. My heart is with the people I love, and the things I love doing. This place lacks all the essentials. Sure my stuff is here, and my life (if you can call it that) is here, but I struggle to find joy in this windy, snowless, desolate place.
Rather than living, I feel like I'm stuck on pause. For a slight moment I was in play but it was quick-barely a blink. And now I've been returned to this painful, emotionally deprived state.
I long for a change, yet the time is constantly prolonged.

~Living on a Prayer~