Sunday, May 6, 2012

Take Me, Inside The Words

We all retain- whether publicly or not- a venue of interest. A site, in the depths of our mind, where our thoughts and fantasies reside. There, exists a spring of unending whims. The purpose of this source differs from person to person. As does its authority.
For me, my mind, heart, and soul is refreshed within the confines of literature. Words that long preexist me, and so will prevail. Stories of love, passion, courage, and fear. Words webbed together in a genuine form of beauty. Artists whom I admire and envy above all else.
To be surrounded by so many worlds, characters, dreams, and desires does little but fuel me. Fuel me for life, love, and purpose. No matter the affair at hand, I draw my stimulus from these things.

And so, with a refuge such as this, is it unnatural to yearn for my own passion among the immortal? To somehow, if only in my insignificant form, join in on their pleasure for a short time. It is not to slight the masters that I hunger for this, but to honour them.

~words become meaningful when bound~

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