Saturday, January 14, 2006

True Friends Fight

True Friends Fight . . . There's nothing you can do to stop it.
Friends who are true, mean so much to each other. You truly care what they think because you know that they are looking out for you, that they want the best for you and they do not have ulterior motives to somehow gain something at your expense. Instead a friend would do their best to aid the other before themselves.
Seeing a friend genuinely content should, in turn, make you happy for them.
Friends support each other threw thick and thin. But, they are not perfect and they do screw up and often upset you.
that's why true friends fight . . . because they let you down, you had a high standard for them, and they were unable to uphold that, they (like the rest of the world) failed you.
But, the good thing about friends is, that through everything- pain, betrayal, destruction . . . in the end, they are still their for you, they still love you and they are willing to do most anything to fix things.
Friends that are not real, that are more of the acquaintance type, are mostly likely not willing to take such measures to repair a damaged relationship.

-true friends are hard to find, so when you've found one, hold on tight-


Anonymous said...

Love you, Lauren..

Anonymous said...

I'm really interested, and now perplexed because I'm trying to understand.

Lauren said...

what's up the the 'anonymous' comments?!
show yourselves!
. . . please :)