Monday, October 1, 2007

Welcome to the Truth

So much to be said... but no way to voice it. I guess it is times like this when you discover who or what you really are.

A writer is someone who is able to articulate their feelings, no matter the situation or circumstances. Then there are the dreamers and wannabes trying to deceive the world into believing that they are authentic.
But in the end they fail.

It is a reality to many. Some are in denial to the truth... but others slowly and surely work their way to this realization. They live on... for they have no other choice.

Everyone has a gift- even if they are not yet aware of it.

~live; laugh; love- SMILE~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if you're talking about yourself then you're doing everyone a great disservice by not allowing us to be touched by what you have to say...LadyChoco you have a gift i've read it...not all of but what you've put on this blog is good stuff and overtime through experience it will only get better...i showed you my first song they only continue to get better the more you do's practice...Shakespeare wrote some crap you can believe that...that's what dreamers do they continue to dream and not let others tell them to wake up...a wannabe you're not...dream big