(now i don't mean to sound preachy or judgmental- they are just some thoughts, and it's as much for me as you [if not more])
‘People aren’t confused by the Gospel, they are confused by us.
Jesus is the only way to God, but we are not the only way to Jesus.
This world does not need my tie, my hoodie, my denomination or my translation of the Bible.- They need Jesus.
We can be passionate about what we believe but we can’t strap ourselves to the Gospel, cause we’re slowing it down.
Jesus IS going to save the world, but maybe the best thing we can do is just get out of the way...’
- “What this World Needs”, Casting Crowns
The other day I was ‘studying’ and listening to the new Casting Crowns album: The Alter and the Door.
The song “What this World Needs” came on. I stopped, and re-winded (is it still called that when it’s all on the computer?) and re-listened to it.
It kinda hit home with me. Two parts especially.
(1) “This world does not need... my denomination”: Lately I have found that people put FAR too much emphasis and importance on their denomination. But aren’t we all serving the same God, aren’t we all set free by the same Saviour- Jesus?
Sure we may be pleased with how our church serves our needs, but isn’t the church the people, and isn’t the point of the church to serve others, not for it to serve us...
(2) “... they are confused by us”: Is it not our responsibility and our desire as Christians to strive to imitate Jesus. (Eph. 5:1) Should not all our actions and words be in love. Should we not be accepting, and understanding, ready to share what God has done for us with those who are lost and seeking answers.
In 1 Peter 3:15 Peter says “... Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect”
We are different. We have a purpose in our life- to Glorify God in all we do. Can we share that without pushing, judging of bring hypocrites?
As Christians, we have been chosen from this world, we do not serve the gods they serve, but instead we serve the One True God.
1 John 2:15-16 says
“Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world-the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does-comes not from the Father but from the world.”
This means we should not participate in the those worldly activities the world has come to worship.
The lessons we preach should be seen in our actions. “You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?”
Now, i know we aren’t perfect, we are far from it for “we have all sinned and fall short of the Glory of God”. But can’t we try, can’t we have something to strive for... shouldn't we all have a mission...
~i want to set an example~
Aha - maybe Concordia isn't a lost cause, after all...
Anyway, this is a rather interesting rant, Reverend Dahmer. If I may be so bold, though, I'll through in my thoughts.
Denominational prejudices are frustrating... but it's all about balance. To hate someone over a choice of bible translations is petty... but should we worship with, be taught by, and grow with... say... mormons? This is a stretch - yes... I'm not saying all denominations are akin to the Latter Day Saints.
But not all denominations are correct.
Just because the Bible is the holy book that the religion holds to does not make their core beliefs similar. The Muslims believe in all the Old Testament stories that we do, with minor changes.
So I suppose my recommendation to you would be to break down those prejudicial walls amongst people who worship the same Jesus as you, regardless of form or style. But to those who worship 'Jesus', or who follow the bible, but have warped definitions of them... well... maybe you should be careful about how much you allow them to affect you.
Thus concludes my rant.
Good thoughts Lauren, I agree and disagree. I appreciate your thoughts also Luke, its been awhile since I've been able to ponder the workings of your mind - God bless you as your serve Him. Allow me to add my rant...
Many times I think that denominations are a way of separating the church, an area of division among believers, hence when someone asks me what denomination I am a make it clear that I am a Christian before a denomination. BUT, in order to allow people to understand my way of thinking I will say that I am most closely aligned with the Baptist theology. The Bible is the complete and infallible word of God, and I stand on it's precepts.
When you speak of denominations however; you must use wisdom in discerning what that group of people preach - it's all about doctrine, is their doctrine built upon and supported by Scripture? And by scripture I mean consistently, not just by taking one verse and pulling it out of context.
Thats another area, context of scripture, you must read the perceeding and proceeding verses in order to understand the context of the verse used, you must know what is being spoken of and in what situation.
It is imperative that we search the Scriptures daily and know what and why we believe what we believe that we are ready with an answer to speak with those from different persuasions about what Christ says in His Word.
If you are a true believer and seek to worship and serve the Lord in spirit and truth as the Bible commands. And you believe that only through Jesus, His shed blood and work on the cross can we enter heaven - denominations should not separate believers. Believers are the church according to the New Testament, not a building. And as such we are one body - Romans 12:5-6.
We cannot however, compromise the truth of Scripture in order to get along with people, if the truth is ignored or proclaimed wrongly how can there be fellowship, rather, there should be evangelism.
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9
So ends my thoughts.
I Love you Lauren, you are a dear!
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