Monday, October 22, 2007

The Four Letter Word

Recently i was informed that falling in love "is a conscious choice."
My first thought was of disappointment! I've always dreamt of one day waking up and realizing that "i'm in love"-- an epiphany!

Then, I thought about it... and i looked up the definition of 'fall'. One dictionary defined it: "move downward, typically rapidly and freely without control"
So would that not suggest that it is an involuntary action (also a quick action, but we can save that thought for later)?! Not something you can control or choose to transpire.

While my informant admitted that you could unconsciously fall in love, he went on to state that it is this kind of love that ends in divorces. "if you can't control falling in love, what's to prevent [you] falling in love [with someone else] once you're married" but in contrast, if you knowingly "invest in someone, and decide that you want to love them, then love will grow"

So maybe, it's a conscious decision, as in you consent to it occurring, but you are unaware of the exact time it will come to pass.
A good, happy medium :)

--SURPRISE yourself--

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

once upon a time i fell in love
and it was not conscious
i didn't decide that it was going to happen
but it did
and that doesn't mean it's not real love
everyone and i mean EVERYONE will fall in love
and they can act like it was a conscious decision but it never is
love doesn't work like that
i kind of wish i knew how it worked
-running on steam