a few random lines i've scribbled in an attempt to describe my current plight.
you said no matter the distance,
we'd hold tight and make it through.
but the path of least resistance
doesn't always seem to lead to you.
Tears that once did not exist, come rolling down my cheeks.
So many strong and new emotions have over powered me.
I wish you did not see me in this weak and sappy state
but when it comes to you all control is washed away.
I want to yell and scream and beg
for you to let me be
And forget you ever saw me in this
tearful awful mess
~of someone else?~
you said no matter the distance,
we'd hold tight and make it through.
but the path of least resistance
doesn't always seem to lead to you.
Tears that once did not exist, come rolling down my cheeks.
So many strong and new emotions have over powered me.
I wish you did not see me in this weak and sappy state
but when it comes to you all control is washed away.
I want to yell and scream and beg
for you to let me be
And forget you ever saw me in this
tearful awful mess
~of someone else?~
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