He holds her tightly, enchanted by her scent
A smile permentaly fixated upon his face
his grasp tightens, afraid of her restless wings
whose span would leave no room for his presence
She feels his arms around her like a noose
kept safe from her attempts at movement
her eyes stray, in search for something more
she longs to be freed, to fly away
~Assured freedom (within limits)~
Ooooh! A good one.
I'm impressed, dear Buttercup. Either your poetry skills are increasing, or your Google skills are. Either way, you're posting some very good poetry, and I commend you.
The journal option is still open. That e-mail address isn't getting much use from you, after all.
Have fun in Edmonton :) I'll be in the promised land of Alberta in 54(~ish) days :)
- Luke.
you are a great poet. Maybe if i bought you a hat and a cool pen you could do that for a while. However you would have to keep me around so you would have something to talk about.
Trust your feelings. When its right the arms will be supporting, not restrictin, when its right, you both will know it
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