Sunday, October 1, 2006


He hung up on me- that JERK!

So, for the first time ever- in my entire life- someone hung up the phone on me! And didn't even call me back! I did not even commit an unforgivable act which would have almost given him a logical motive for commiting such a horrible act!
It was almost as if he just didn't want to hear me anymore!

Is that even possible?

:| I am stunned! My mind is blank- how to respond?!

Perhaps, if he truly does not wish to talk to me I shall just stop talking to him- do him a favour, see how he feels then!

Perhaps if he could apologize without laughing we would be in a different situation . . . but until then, I hope he enjoys silence!

~and it is not even that I talk that much!~


melancholy meditation said...

Who did that? Is it who I'm thinking of...because if it is I could either kill him or give you the hugest hug and tell him you're hot without him...or BOTH!!!!

I would never hang up on're usually the one who 'accidentally' does that. Hehehe.

Astley said...

Welcome to my world...boys are dumb we should throw rocks at them.

Vinny said...

That was a great experience right there. I knew that there would be enormous ramifications of that action, haha, definitely quite the interesting trip back from church.

Krysta Chelle said...

hey mom. that would be your son who did such a thing. think about how you raised him. lol

neal said...

"~and it is not even that I talk that much!~"







okay... I'm done


(there you go... now she think's I'm the jerk, and you're in the clear)

amateur&prose said...

that's right it was I...i was stupid and i'm sorry...and no it has nothing to do with how Mom raised me...there i pulled here out of the fire...thanks Neal but i'm diggin this hole for just one

Anonymous said...

Hey, um, just a quick sidenote to lighten the mood!

Lauren, I don't know if Eric told you but if you guys wanna work out your differences before friday that would be great because you're both coming over for thanksgiving!

yay, turkey... but yes. Please work it out and please come!