(though while dancing, one of my partners informed me that in order to wear of the energy one Smarty gives you, you'd have to walk around a football field twice- that is a lot of dancing! Darn science students)
However before the night began I was informed- first be an inside source and then later by the white board- that it was to be a black and white affair. *gag* I was not impressed! And furthermore, I did not have any black bottoms and white tops (my mother practically disallows my dressing in white due to my inevitable fate of staining it) here at school. One of my dear R.A.'s was kind enough to lend me a white top (even though I told her "me, white and chocolate do not mix") and gave me permission to wear my jeans :)
So I arrived at the dance with the intentions of eating tons of chocolate and then excusing myself before the dancing had begun. However I got dragged into it and soon found myself actually enjoying myself! Who knew that dancing could be fun!
And the chocolate was not disappointing either! :)
And for those of you who wish to see additional photo's of the night you can visit this blog below as you can always count on him to post and take more photos than I.
And thanks to all those who were patient with my two left feet!
~I wish to live in the days of ballroom dancing, dance cards and no hip-hop~
This will be the first time that I'm first to sign a blog!:O So, weird thing, on Friday we ate out of the chocolate fountain too! At the women's retreat! Becky got one from her brother's wedding and they want to make it a "camp tradition" which I certainly would not object to! However, beautiful and delicous as the fountain may be...mark my words you do NOT want to be the one cleaning it! It took me an hour to scrape all the chocolate out and return the fountain to it's original state... you may need to teach me this ballroom dancing as I, like you, am not intrigued by dancing...love you!
it's not completely true...i would say she's one and a half left feet...not 2 complete left feet but just one and a half...and actually we had to get her to put the chocolate bowl done for one of the pictures...she had it for a very long time
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