Sunday, October 22, 2006

Not just because I wrote one about my Sisters

My brother is one of the coolest kids I know.

He is 7 years and 20 days younger than I. And I still recall the day he was born! Only weeks before I had made a wish on a 'magic friendship bracelet' that the baby in my mother's stomach would be a boy! (so everyone can thank me for the joy he brings)

One of the things I like most about him is that he truly does not care what other people think of him (which at his age is a big thing). He is involved in everything from Hockey to Youth Group to the Chess Club! (The whole chess club thing surprised me too, I just found out about that this afternoon!)

He is
brave -he's already transferred schools 3 times- where I was afraid of going to high school when all my friends were coming with me!
intelligent -he can kick my butt at any math question and he is in the chess club
loving -you should see him playing with younger children- he'll make a great babysitter one day
creative -he's invented some the most inovative games I have ever tried to comprehend
entertaining -I've had friends ask if they could rent him for entertainment
. . . the list could continue on for ages but I realize that you all probably don't want to hear me ramble on about my brother.

But I know you all want to meet him!

~sometimes having a brother is even better then having a superhero~


Astley said...

I wished my sister would be a girl...and she was (still is)! Everybody doubted that I was right, and even told me if that's what I wanted, I would get the opposite...but no...I got a sister and I knew she would be a sister (I don't know how...I was 8)

Oh and I love her dearly too...but don't tell her that. She doesn't need me to compliment her..she's 13 now! giggle

melancholy meditation said...'s all true. I would love to rent Joshua for a day, but somehow I don't think he would like that. Everytime I call all he says is ,'o, it's you again.' Hmmm...he is cool though.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm...Lauren you are truely blessed with siblings. My little sis understands me so well. Funny cause when we were younger we never got along, always fighting....Now we are so much alike, do you and your sisters do that whole surround sound deal where you think and say the exact things in the same exact way? Oh, and it's pretty cool when you can look at your sister and know exactly what she is thinking. My brother on the other hand....I never had the joy of living with him because he is so much older than I...He's pretty awesome though:o) Thank God for families! What is it like to have a big family?
I love you,
Brownie Girl

amateur&prose said...

Brothers rock...really my brother is one of the only people to be able to tell me i'm being over-the-top stupid and still tell me that he loves my anyway...but not because he wants to...but because Jesus does and if Jesus does then he sees no reason not to...O brother...pun is completely intended

Vinny said...

I personally think that all brothers are great! But may be because I am one, I don't have one but I'd like to think that my sisters may think that I'm "cool". ALthough I doubt that I am. I've never met your brother Lauren, but he sounds like a pretty sweet guy and you are right, we all want to meet him.

Anonymous said...

I gotta admit, never tell Josh this, but he's ok. I mean, we argue all the time, but I have a great time playing pool and chess and stratego and battleship with him. The only problem is that he's getting good, he's starting to beat me sometimes:S

Anonymous said...

Hey Lauren! Thanks for the comments about me. (ok, this's Tessa now, and I think Josh is also thankful for your wish...I dunno how good a girl he'd make:S)