Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Another Block on the Tower of Problems

In an early comment a friend asked me "what are you passionate about?"

And I stopped- what am I passionate about. I thought about it for quite some time, but nothing came. I decided to turn to the dictionary for assistance.

Passion: adj. strong and barely controllable emotion

Emotion is something that I don't show often, and if I do it's to an extreme.
But being passionate about something is not a feeling I believe I've felt. Sure there are things that I enjoy, but those feelings depend on my mood. There is nothing (well, other than chocolate) that I delight in unceasingly.

Is there something wrong with me?

-?Powerless for Passion?-


Krysta Chelle said...

Have you ever thought your passion was writing. Like geese you can spend more time writing then i ever could. journal, essays, blogs. think about it

Vinny said...

Let's have tea or hot chocolate!

Geesus Krysta!

Anonymous said...

passions are like men. Don't always try looking for it. Let it come to you.

Give up the search and just enjoy the little moments right now. You'll find it.
Like, seriously, who would have known that my passion was wiping elderly butt?

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy, I'm not passionate about anything either. I just go with it...I actually started playing volleyball because I just wanted to meet new people at Pinewood, and now I guess that's the closes thing I have to a passion...but, from what it seems, your passion is writing girl! You live it! And you're so good at it! Love you Lauren, good luck in the quest!