Monday, August 28, 2006

Love to Die

Everyone has those few special people that mean the world to them. You feel like you can tell them anything- and you do- and they can tell you everything - and they do. And then, all of a sudden- reality strikes. Everyone is human, everyone is going to fail you . . . and it's like a knife in the heart. And, if that doesn’t hurt enough, instead of it getting pulled out, someone decided to jiggle it around . . . making it deeper, bigger and more unbearable.
Sometimes they don’t tell you thinks to protect you . . . they think that if they tell you it’ll just hurt. But guess what- later, when they do find out (and they always do) it hurts so much more.

-Why is it that the people closest to you end up hurting you the worst-


Krysta Chelle said...

oh darling. Soon we shall be together again. and you and i can talk. With the lights off.. love you miss you

Anonymous said...

lauren--all i can say is darn who ever made you feel like that. love ya lots, think about you often. email me sometime, please!

- Luke. said...


I think you still don't 'get it'. It's that vulnerability... the ability to hurt you... that's what makes the relationships worth it. If there was no risk, there would be no pay-off. It would be like making friends with a 5 year-old. It's fun... but not very deep or meaningful.

Basically... pain is par for the course in worthful relationships.

But at the same time... yeah - it sucks. Hope you feel better. Go buy some chocolate or something :op

Your friend,
   - Luke.

amateur&prose said...

i agree with man...without the risk there would be no pay off...everything would be easy and now where's the fun in that? anymore than that and i'd i'm done

Astley said...

I agree up to a point. But as soon as the person who hurts you, goes and jiggles that knife around, digging deeper and deeper... then what's the point.

Especially when they pretend that nothing happened or pass it off as quick as possible, and they hope you pretend the same thing....I'm sick of pretending and I'm taking it for what it is...a knife in the heart.

(I have no idea Lauren what's going on in your life...I just mostly spoke from my own experience...either way, you're in my prayers sweetie).

Anonymous said...

I love you Lauren!

Anonymous said...

There are always going to be things that hurt...always. The day when nothing goes wrong and everything goes right is a myth, a legend....a dream.

There are always going to be people that hurt, and there are always going to be people that bring nothing but joy. and those people tend to be the same person.

the closest to you hurt the most becuase those are the only people that can hurt you. spend 4 years with "friends" that you love to learn that in turn, they hate you.