But this was some of the excitement transpiring around my dwelling place this evening.
My sister, for the first time in her entire existence, called 9-1-1! She reported the wild bear in our tree and within minutes two officers of the law arrived with their new Dodge Charger (something that has caused much controversy among some of the more vocal members of this town). They had a gun and explained to my aunts and uncle that they were required to shoot it if it didn't flee to the bush. And so they proceeded to try and frighten the bear from its perch in our tree. First they tried the sirens and lights- the bear swatted the air. Next they took our hose and sprayed him, hoping it would be enough to lure him out of the tree- the bear received the cold water with wide open arms (literally!).
Finally the bear climbed down the tree, but the ferocious bark of my dog startled him back up. Not for long however, for when he got a look at my dog he realized his bark was worse then his bite. And he was off down the tree again. He headed towards the neighbours yard, the whole time leaving a trail of urine behind, just incase his body scent wasn't enough to drive the dog crazy!

And so a few hours later we (my family and I) were seated on the porch outside when we heard a shot . . . then another and then another.
Poor Mr. Cuddly (not his official name- it just sprouted from my deep desire so hug him- they truly do resemble over grown teddy bears) he would of made such an amazing pet. If I were Hermione Granger I would use her magical hour glass time traveler to go back in time and safe his life!
~if only I were a wizard (then i could hook up with Malfoy!)~
if you were a wizard you could join my party!
too bad about the bear. or wait mayeb the bear had his own gun and he shot the cop? maybe?
-matty k
I dunno how I'd feel with an extra mage in the group matty :P
So you wanted to hug the Bear even though the site of it caused panic causing for a family member who felt helpless against such a foe to call someone with a gun to get rid of it. But you would have prefferred iof they didn't have a gun?.... Gust givin ya a hard time, I'd love to give that bear a run for its money on climbing that tree, I love climbing that one :D
They should have caught it in an oversized humane trap...
wait... one they realized that they couldn't get near the human trap without it attacking them, they would have left it to starve to death... Slowly and painfully...
There are worse ways to go, rather than being shot...
I'd rather be shot than die a loooong death (which is all to common with animals which become dependant on humans for survival)
The only reason she called the cops was cause my neighbour told her to!
That's the last time we'll listen to that old guy!
If it makes you feel better...I was rooting for the bear :(.
Oh well, it's the cycle of modern life...right?
Awww, Poor Mr. Cuddly! Regardless of the potential danger of a bear in your yard, thats pretty wicked! I hope you got some really really good pictures. And maybe just maybe the gun was a stun gun and they only stunned him to take him back to the place were black bears live. (like Alberta or BC.) ANYWAY... Comment, why would you want to date Malfroy, he is so not hot. Why not some one like Oliver, or even one of the twins. But whatever, and MattyK why cant I join your party. Sniffle. Anyway see you in less then a month....
Lol, it is I!! Super excited to see you. Lemme tell you. And I have to agree with Alyson... Oliver is definitly the one to date. Not Malfoy. Even IF Malfoy was hot, his evil personality would simply ruin his complexion. lol. See you soon, and I'm glad the bear didn't eat you. And it's kinda funny that you had this happen because I found a cute lil thing about bears. I'll show you on my blog. lol.
poor bear....
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