The count is down to 1 day, 19 hours, 13 minutes and 11 seconds until the moment I have been waiting for for years. My first concert, but not just any concert, the Dixie Chicks. The band that got me hooked on country . . .
So, there I was, seated on the couch with my sister and parents, we were discussing our plans for the next few days. First we will be on the house boat and then Jake and I would be off to Winnipeg, first for a wedding reception (it's kind of scary to see some of my friends getting married!) and then to the long awaited concert. At that, my mother asked if I had my tickets packed . . . which I hadn't, so I went to retrieve them from their "safe keeping spot". However, it was not as safe as we had expected . . . the tickets were not there!
We became frantic and we began searching the house from top to bottom. And we do not live in what one may call a small house . . . there were many places these tickets could be . . . and not be. Dad said that he had cleaned out our 'safe keeping spot' and a fair bit of things were thrown out . . .
*sick feeling in stomach*
The search continued for quite some time, we were beginning to run out of places to inspect.
Finally, in the final place we lsearched (funny how that works out, eh), in a rather common location for missing articles, it was found!!!!
My heart leapt with relief, and the tears that were beginning to form fell for joy instead of anguish.
The concert is still on and my tickets are in a real safe spot this time.
1 day 18 hours 59 minutes 7 seconds
wouldnt something always be in the last place you look?
because when you find it why would you keep looking?
thats almost as strange as pretending your in a gay relationship with your boss while arguing over paintings in ikea.
-matty k
Matty, that last comment is extremly random . . . my only guess is that there is a stroy behind it - do tell!
Yes, Matty, explain.
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