A quick hello to the world of bloggers!
My summer is continuing down the path of success and enjoyment.
The number of times I have unwilling gone swimming has long past broke any record of previous years. I have begun to wear strictly darker shirts just in case . . .
So as for scary and absurd news: last week I was named camp nurse! It was only for the first two days, but it was still frightening for me, as well as my mother who was told by a permanent staff member half way through the week. But it turns out the only requirements to be a camp nurse is first aid and 18 years of age or older. And I meet both of those stipulations. And so, there I was, camp nurse, dealing with 'injured' children between the ages of seven to 11 and whiny staff members!
This coming week (my final week at camp *tear*) is all girls week . . . and so far there is no willing personal to take on the position as camp nurse (big surprise?) and so, once again I may be given the honour! Yippee!
So, tonight -in only a few hours actually- the 27 summer staff still remaining at camp, will be coming over for dinner! I'm excited! . . . I love my home and my family and my mummy's cooking, and for the camp staff, whom I have come to love as well, to get to share that with me, is exciting!
I will be returning home in just one week . . . i'm not too thrilled about that. I am going to miss these people who have all become like family to me . . . it is a pity that just as we are all getting so close and now we must leave each other.
Must be off they are here!
School's almost here! Then we can see everybody again! Whoo hoo!
(Can you tell I've been somewhat bored here?)
Everyone but Meghan . . . :'(
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