Monday, November 15, 2010

Ready for a Fight

The world and our culture is not concerned with true love like so many sources suggest. Sure our culture is obsessed with weddings, we have dating sites flooding the internet, and romantic comedies with all the biggest stars, but while they are feeding the romantic's heart, they are also filling the pockets of higher powers. They are exploiting our hearts for their gain. 

In the media and in hollywood we see love and relationships as disposable, on the grounds of dissatisfaction. Worth is placed not on commitment and perseverance, but on self-contenment. But can one ever be happy with something that is easy- something that required no sacrifice or fight? 

Portraying a love life of perfection rather than actuality fuels discontentment from our vulnerable -and rather naive- world.

~till death [of the honeymoon stage] do we part~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's hard to find. someone that will stand with you, not only when it's good but when it's bad tpp. committed to you. sexy. not saying that physical attraction doesn't play a part. it just doesn't have to be a big part. but you know that person is there to catch you, and stand with you through the storm. that's love baby