Sunday, October 31, 2010


Every girl's got one [or more]. Whether they lie in the excluded details or undivulged accounts, they reside deep within her heart.

Misty and Erin interrogate me on my secrets. Some details were shared.
Now, Misty wonders by what means these ends were reached? She desires a tutorial, of sorts, of my 'arts'. Funny, I did not know I was an artist.
I ponder on the actions which lead to the events of interest. I stumbled upon only one deliberate (or was it?) behaviour on my part- being discretely forward. Let it be known what you want, without being audacious or facile. Plant those ideas and watch them bloom, then be prepared to [thoroughly] enjoy the crop.

Ideas hold more worth when you believe they are yours. So scatter your seeds about, and keep vigil. For the time will come when those secrets will be yours to hold.

-it's like a carrot on a tall pole-

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