Sunday, February 7, 2010

you make me feel smart

"when i'm turned-on, i smell like honey" - the rather awkward looking boy said to his equally appealing friends.

i'm not an eavesdropper, though i won't deny the lack of effort used to mute surrounding conversations. my writing's professor often urged us to be open to what that world said- especially the more vapid comments, as they often lead to inspiration.
though i take great delight in the absurdities of others, i have yet to be inspired by this quote (except, of course, to laugh).

there is, however, potentiality in such a situation, and i will be sure to retain it in the banks of possibilities for future reference.

~what would you do with this?~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'd use it as a funny story...or everytime someone was obviously oggling an attractive person i'd ask if they smelt honey...cuz i know if a coffee commercial comes on and that voice starts i may or may not ask a blonde if she knew where that honey smell was coming from...