Monday, February 9, 2009

Dream Catcher

So i have this exboyfriend/exfriend/exboyfriend/exfriend/exboyfriend (for the sake of simplicity i'll call my Ex) who i've known for, well, years. We've gone through a lot together, most of it good, but there are always some bumps in the road. Unfortunately, the most recent bump we've traversed was never concluded, or overcome. I guess we could say that we are living on that bump.

Anyways, recently this Ex has been appearing in my dreams... talk about waking up on the wrong side of the bed!
Either i wake up angry at him, or i wake up content only to remember the reality of our relationship. It's no way to start a day. Having him on my mind all day is neither healthy nor productive. Also, i fear that it has become a never ending cycle.

Think about it: i dream about him which results in his being in my mind all day, which causes me to dream about him again, then the next day there he is again! GAH!

I'm left wondering, waiting, considering, and fearing. I'm also frustrated.

~somethings never die~

1 comment:

Kaitlin said...

They say dreams are our minds way of dealing with ideas and impressions that we make througout the day. So it this ex is on your mind during the day it is pretty much expected that he may show up at night as well.
I know exacly how you feel, without closure things seem to linger despite your attempts to clear your mind. In this case my dear, it seems that this situation may never really resolve itself...but you will grow and move on and leave him behind as a chapter in your life that you will learn from.
- Love you