Monday, March 31, 2008

with eyes wide closed

there is something in those eyes. a message being whispered through the craze of the crowds. a desperate cry, an indescribable plea...  but they silently slip away into the whirl wind of life, ceasing to seduce. hopelessly searching for another chance. a second chance

it's a dance with time
a tango with fate 
a ripple of dreams
a shot in the dark
a weak cry in the pandemonium
just one more chance
please try once more... 

distress with thrill. look beyond the memories, to a time when one can take flight. holding hands, cries of joy, guilt destroyed, and faith restored. the message no longer lost, but shared. a secret passion to an exposed reality.

 don't hide beneath the doors of normality. now's the time for a defiance of all that has been followed. let the message of your eyes spread: that your actions take on their urgency and your lips their passion. share it.

~a window to your secrets~

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