Monday, January 7, 2008

Flip to a Blank Page

A new year brings about renewal. A chance to start again, make changes, learn from your mistakes.

Really, every day can be a chance for transformation, but it seems almost more powerful, more absolute when done at the birth of a New Year.

For Christmas, i received a few objects which seemed to be following a sort of theme: that of my confusions and uncertainties for the future, my continual failures regarding relationships, and the reshaping of ones life upon the realization that your initial goals, dreams, and desires are stupid and unrealistic.

So this year, as the sun rises offering new life and a second chance i've come to realize i must move on. Forget all which i once striven for and wake up from my dreams of ignorance and naiveté.

Open your eyes girl and face the real world. Out here things are not coated with chocolate, and people are not characters from the fairy tales.

So to all you out there who have also made resolutions for this near year... i wish all the best for you.

~and as for you: as far as i'm concerned you are just another picture to burn~

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