Part of having my drivers license and living at home is assisting in the chauffeuring of the younger siblings.
One particular evening, when i was complying to the practices of my household, i was driving my sister's non-boyfriend home. His home is situated in the country reached only by a number of long, back, dirt roads.
So off we went, the tunes turned up and voices loud.
We were heading down the last of these roads, rounding one of the final bends, when we met a car.
Now, it is a common tradition to drive down the middle of a dirt road. When we met this other car it just so happened that both of us were practicing the driving-in-the-center-of-the-dirt-road technique. Luckily we both swerved in time and carried on our way.
Once we had recovered from our near fatal experience, we noticed that the truck we passed was "The Salmon Truck".
The Salmon Truck is practically a celebrity in our family. Every time we pass it on the street someone yells out "the salmon truck!". It also happens to be my sister's non-boyfriend's truck.
"there goes my mom to pick me up" the non-boyfriend stated from the back seat.
"should we stop her?"
"i guess so"
and thence commenced our car chase.
We turned around as quickly as possible, but "The Salmon Truck" was already out of sight. So back around the twists and turns we raced, gaining speed incessantly. Finally "The Salmon Truck" came into view. Pressing down hard on to the gas, the space between us quickly closed. It was decided that the waving through the windshield, which we had been doing for the last couple of kilometers, was futile and so we switched to honking the horn.
We were getting close to town now and non-boyfriend's mother had still failed to notice us, despite our enthusiastic honking.
We finally reached the traffic lights marking the town boarders. We pulled into the left-hand turning lane and rolled down our window, she followed suit.
"we have him in the back" we called to her.
"oh" she looked into the back seat of our SUV, "i thought you'd drop him off at home"
~boy's will do anything for a car chase~
as a chauffeur of the sibs i know your pain...well sort of...i drive the "he's not my boyfriend" boyfriend home all the time...and while never had to deal with a salmon truck there was a french fry bus once...i love that bus
Yup we will do anything for a car chase! Why do you think all the "good" guy movies include them!?
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