Thursday, December 7, 2006

Tortured, Tangled Hearts

Oh love, oh love you fickle thing
Such pretty words and golden rings
It was a broken dream right from the start
Bless their tortured, tangled hearts

Drama around here is comparable to high school and T.V. (but without the cheating and the casual sex... that I'm aware of) drama.
"So and so are dating..."; "She likes him", "So and so are engaged"; "They cheated in the elections and nonetheless have been granted the position"; "So and so went across the country to captivate his true love's heart"; "They are all dying due to the lack of nourishment received from the cafeteria 'food'"

Well a blast of confusion coupled with delusion
Makes the best made plans sometimes fail
They wined and they dined, had peace of mind

So many hormones and ideas are being tossed around causing vast confusion among the residents. While some are [finally] seeing clearly, others are becoming increasingly disorientated.
One would think that simply stated words could clear up such mayhem... but when words are working contrary to the actions, no simple conclusion is possible.

But the mighty cloud of destiny came driftin' through the gates
And busted up what could have been a perfect, hopeless case

Is it possible for one to feel one thing in their mind and the complete opposite in their heart? And if so, which is the right feeling? Such events are common during these times.

While some people are ready to 'take the plunge', others are slipping in slowly and still others are too afraid to dip their toes in. None of these are superior methods to the others, but you can't help but compare your situation to those around you... which never turns out well
Why must we instinctively compare everything and everyone around us to our standards. We live in a world of judgments which lead to nothing but further confusion and uncertainty.

~down on its knees true love did fall~


Nav said...

Amen to that.

neal said...

I told a co-worker that I had never felt like I was "in love" before...

I've felt love, and been loved, but it has never happened to me where I have thought in my head "this could be it"...

In a way, I am kinda jealous of people that are able to find the person they feel they can pledge their life to.

But it never lasts that long, because I know if I were to make that pledge today, it would be to have someone to spend the rest of my life with... not to have the person I love to spend eternity with...

I shall wait on the sidelines, for whatever plans God has for me (hopefully they don't show up in the middle of a DotA match or while I'm trying to drop Nefarion) but in the mean time, I will be happy with what I'm given...

But to speed up the process...

If you like dorky guys who play videogames, DnD, make weird sounds, and don't mind body modifications... feel free to contact me...

Except you Meghan... you're spoken for...

Anonymous said...

Had to visit this one too.

Furious Rodimus said...

At least I am not the only one who is confused. That is very comforting for me.

But if i was in a guitar duel right now, i'd be looking at what the other musicican played going 'What the hell was that about?'

*Breaks string out of confusion*

amateur&prose said...

we can't compare the relationships we're in to the relationships of the past...they're different everytime and unique in their own way...and confusion sucks...especially if it's in a relationship

Furious Rodimus said...

I don't know if it's so much comparisons that we lookfor, or to something to learn from what others have gone through. Like watching film of a defense that shuts down the offence...although that analogy just broke down for me,as your D isn't playing the particular team...