Friday, September 29, 2006

Some Days You Gotta Dance

I'm not much of a dancer.
In fact there are few things I would not do to get out of going to a dance. I think the part I despise most about dances is the music. Today's 'popular music' irritates me to no end, and having to go to an event dedicated entirely to this is nothing but torture to me.

However, I have no problem with dancing in it self (if done in a tasteful manner) and I believe that it can be a superb way to express ones self, also, a great way to release extra energy and tension.

So here is a small quote from one of the more upbeat Dixie Chicks songs for all those who believe- due to my last post- that they are depressing.

'Some days you gotta dance
Live it up when you get the chance
'Cause when the world doesn't make no sense
And you're feeling just a little to tense
Gotta loosen up those chains and dance

~dance like no one is watching~
(if only I could live by those words myself)


Vinny said...

LAUREN! Guess what our next dorm event is?!?!?

Yes, that's right, dancing! We all should go out that night and have some fun dancing the night away.

Yeah that's pretty much all I've got. It will be so much fun! I also love dancing but only to dancable music waltz's and Swing dancing. It will be great. I love dancing, dance, dance, dancing... I just lost my train of thought.

Anonymous said...

To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking.

melancholy meditation said...

anonymous, you are a literary genius. I always wondered why dancing made me feel so darn good! Lauren, promise you shall save a dance for me. You always were the best dance partner!

Astley said...

My fave lyrics from country (and they deal with dancing):

Life's a dance you learn as you go.
Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.
Don't worry 'bout what you don't know.
Life's a dance, you learn as you go.

Lauren said...

Meg- i'd save the last dance for you if you'd let me :) :P

melancholy meditation said...

Definitely Lauren! You're the best.