Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Live, Suffer, Learn

I've been beaten, loved, knocked down, used, guarded, broken, betrayed, and insulted. I know that this is a reality for the majority of the world.
I've had few true friends and many 'friends'. We have been through a lot together, some of which has strengthened our relationships while in other cases, has torn us apart.
I have been in a few relationships, most of which I would not do again, but I don't regret. They each have taught me something about myself and priorities I should have for my life.
Sure there are components of my life that I'm not proud of, but I believe that every decision I've made and experience I've been through has brought me to this point in my life and created me as you see me today.
Unlike the movies, you can't go back to 'fix' your 'mistakes', all you can do is use these events to make better decisions than before.

-Nobodies life is perfect, some may appear superior to others, but it all depends on what you value most in life.-


Astley said...

Wow...that's really cool! I've heard this a few times, and sometimes I truly believe it, but it's definately harder to in the tougher times(like now).

But I know that no matter what time I'm in, God has used everything in my life to shape me into a unique child of His!

amateur&prose said...

I hope that someday I can someday live without the fear of being judged for what i've done in the's in the past and i've only grown from and i wouldn't be the person i was today without those sounds like you're growing and i'm glad i can be around for it

melancholy meditation said...

The harder life gets, the better heaven looks.

See you there.

Lauren said...

Chrismuffin- in a past comment you spoke of how you have become independent of your old self . . . now wouldn't that be living without the fear of being judged by what your old self did?