So much power- able to control the lives of so many, yet it began merely as an insignificant thought in the back on ones mind. It blows my mind at how quickly it can grow to be the most influential part of ones life- it's indescribable potential to warm everything in its path. The intensity grows rapidly as the distance between declines, its true capacity begins to reveal it self. The magnitude reaches an undetectable high, and you discover that the closer you are the more it could hurt when it is ultimately liberated.
Is it all worth the risk?
Depends who you ask I suppose . . .
*funny- from what I've been told, fire and love sound remarkably similar*
1 comment:
love and fire alot like eachother eh?
yes but the burning sensation you get from "love" i would have to say is probably worse...because unlike a real fire...burn cream isnt going to help.
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