On Friday I departed on an unknown journey- a journey into the deep wild where the bears and the fish play! (oh boy, I started singing "Home home on the range, where the dear and the antelope play") Our guide was a friend of mine, who claimed camping was just what we all needed. So a few of us (her and I not included) booked off work, packed food and gear and voyaged through back roads to where a camper was set up waiting for us.
However it took us longer to reach or final destination then planned due to a few troubles with meeting time and the canoe which was not so expertly tied atop the truck.
(see the puzzled boys below)

While that vehicle worked away at the canoe dilemma, my vehicle worked away at a tasty treat! And not only did we get to suck away at blue suckers, but we were also able to listen to a larger variety of expertly chosen music. (we were blessed to have the
iPod Queen with us!)

Upon arriving at the previously chosen site, with only minor difficulties, we (being the girls, seeing as the boys had found other ways to occupy themselves) proceeded to set up the tent. Seeing as I was dubbed the photographer I was not involved with the erection of the tent, though the process would have gone much more smoothly if I had stepped in . . .

(and here you see what the boys found to be more gratifying then aiding us with our assembly) There plan was to dig a tunnel right to the door of the tent.

But don't worry- I showed them who was boss!

It was going well though . . . Of course there ended up being some more adventures, including food mishaps

Though what to you expect when you appoint me to bring a meal . . . There is nothing wrong with alphagetti!
All in all, it was a success. I learned that you don't always need to be paying attention in order to catch a fish, wrenches ARE helpful- no matter what others may say, and you need power in order to turn on the lights . . .
*And don't forget to . . . quit while you are ahead*