Friday, March 10, 2006

Mrs. Captain Jack Sparrow

Tomorrow evening - Pirates & Ninjas Box Social party!

Krysta and I have been . . . testing out our costumes for tomorrow. Upon our initial tests we were mistaken as 'baseball players'. Now, don't get me wrong (Jordan) there is nothing wrong with baseball players, they just would seem out of place at a Pirates & Ninjas party. Even more so than the rumoured Knights.
I, however, saw more the "Lost Boys" look over the baseball player style. Which, was cleverly noted, is one step closer to a pirate, since they were known to fight (and often win) against pirates.

So, with the assistance of hair products (for Krysta) and donations (from a number of fellow dormies) we were able to accomplish the "pirate" look with more enthusiasm then previously acclaimed.

Tomorrow, after a quick stop at the dollar store and a detour to get "more supplies" for other members of the squad, we will test our pirate skills and attire.

-Yo Ho Yo Ho a pirates life for me!-


Anonymous said...

Hey Lauren!

So how'd your dorm party go? lol - you should definitely post some of the pictures you hopefully took on the next blog :)

Anyways, nice to hear you're having fun! I'll talk to yah later!

- Luke.

Nav said...

Lauren! Come back! I'm lost without you! Oh my Lauren. My lovely lovely Lauren. Come home to me.