Monday, March 6, 2006

Happy Alaurda!!

Random afternoons are most often the most enjoyable.

While returning from our mail check (where we both received acceptance letters to the 'Residence Life Program' for next year!) Manda discovered that one of her most loathed classes of the year (ever since she'd dropped Ed Psych) had been canceled for the day!
So, we decided to celebrate by enjoying the b-e-a-u-tiful weather and go on a walk!
There is a common saying that says "there is always good in the bad" and I completely agree. Except, during this good time I've discovered that there is always something bad in the good. At this point, in my highest mood of the week, I discovered just what that bad is.
I have had a hole in the bottom of my shoe for, well, since drama 149 last semester. I've frequently claimed that I was going to repair the hole 'as soon as I had returned home', yet it was always placed at the end of my 'to do' list with my other important tasks (homework, for example). I began to regret that primary characteristic of mine. Walking outdoors on sunny spring day however can get relatively damp, which causes no comfortable feeling when one has a hole in their shoe.
In no time at all, I was soon transporting a compact pond in my shoe, more specificity, between my toes.
While the walk was most enjoyable, the conditions could have been superior.

On the W-A-L-K (in the P-A-R-K, park!) Manda and I discovered that is was none other then Alaurda! We decided the best way to celebrate such a holiday would be to eat chocolate (surprise, surprise) pie/cake and write poetry for each other in it! It was a superb plan and we could not wait for evening!

It was 3:20, and Manda had requested that if I did not see her by 3:13 that I was to wake her from her slumber!
I entered her room quietly with the intention of joining her in bed.
My plan worked perfectly; while she slept I pounced!

Now, as I sit here, Amanda calls my name, beckoning me to join her in our celebration!
And who can say no to a red fruitloop with chocolate?!
Not me, I must be off.

-joyous Alaurda to all those who wish to celebrate our existence and individuality-


Krysta Chelle said...

Do i really have to claim that I live with the two of you? Like really. You are C-R-A-Z-Y..... and not in the I forgot my pills way, more in the pills cant fix this type. Well whatever. Fermented cake probably will kill you by morning or at least make you so sick you wont talk for a few Glory! JK LOVE YOU BOTH!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Laur!

So... this definitely makes my day :op A pleasant blog! lol. Whether it's good in the bad, or bad in the good, I'm just glad you're finding soooome good :)
Well, I'll talk to yah later... hope to see you in May!

 - Luke.

melancholy meditation said...

How was the rotten cake? and when I say 'rotten'...I mean rotten!! So, how's about that compact are so clever sometimes. I can't believe how many excuses you can find to eat chocolate!!!

Nav said...

Hehe, we are amazingly cool. Mmmm fermenting cake.