Friday, March 31, 2006

All in an Evening

Yesterday I saw a gorgeous guy. We nearly walked into each other, but he paused long enough to let me pass. He looked at me, and I at him, but nothing was said. He then walked on . . . was there one last look from him before he continued on with his life?
How I wish I could read silence . . .

So, supposedly last night, while we slept, the fire alarm went off (it was only for a short amount of time). It woke only two dormies, not including staff.
Three fire trucks came, with lights, sirens and fireman . . . they even entered the building!
But we slept on, there was little time for beauty sleep, we had to take advantage of it.
Had i known, however, that there were fireman, i may have been willing to sacrificed a few minutes of sleep.

What if it had been a real emergency?! Would the alarm, the commotion, the lights, wake us up?

- another night like the last today please, but with me as the witness -


neal said...

I suppose I'll walk around you next time...

Did you not like the eye contact?

melancholy meditation said...

Neal is such a dork...and firemen aren't really that hot, sweety.