Thursday, March 29, 2012

Don't Just Watch Me

What must I do to get your attention. To what lengths must I go? It is not enough for a mere glance, or casual visit. I need more. I need interaction.
When I bare my soul to you, react. When I divulge my desires to you, don't merely smile and nod. Reciprocate with reason.
You come, you explore, then you're off, with no evidence of your stay.

Talk. Share. Depart on me your wisdom. For this is the point: the reason I commune.

~As I criticize you~

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

So They Say

They say a guy that treats you well, 
and the waitress poorly, 
is not a good guy. 

If you want to know how he is going to treat you in 10 or 20 years,
look at how he treats his mother. 

Of course there are always exceptions. 
But these are good rules of thumb. 
Be aware of how he treats others, as well as you. 

For more, I found this site. 

~Don't let your love be blind~

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


and you'll say
don't you worry your pretty little mind
people throw rocks at things that shine
and life makes love look hard
the stakes are high the water's rough
but this love is ours...

Falling fast from our high
the struggles and pain
can make it hard to try

I fear a demise
on our current path
beneath these stormy skies

A silent plea
barely reaches your ears
I know not it I want you to see

It was once proclaimed
"All You Need is Love"
but can that love be sustained

~I'm a Kayak here me roar~

Sunday, March 18, 2012

On My Lips

A song which I understand. The message and the reason is clear. 
It makes me smile.
It makes me dance. 
It gives me shivers. 

~Just Like You~

Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Concerned Note

The music speaks to me. There are brief moments of clarity, but in general it is a hazy voice. I know not what it tells me, and fear this. With numerous messages bearing the same theme, I search for an interpreter. I fear it is time for the truth to be revealed, whatever that may be.

A remembrance of what once was, with a hint of the now. Where is my heart focused? What does my mind see? Are they memories of the past, or desires for the future?
The passion, the value, where is it sustained? I remain fascinated, but fear why.

~Sing me the truth, so that I may know it. ~

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Need to Feel Some Movin'

I wanna feel the Earth move under my feet
move me a long way from here.
Just pick up my house, and job,
and church, and transplant me.
Either 6 hours north,
or 12 hours East.
I just want to move.

~slightly torn, and extremely out of place~

Monday, March 5, 2012

To Feel

Sunday, March 4, 2012

So Called "Life"

Last week I was in Jamaica with my parents and sister #2.
Jamaica is a beautiful place. It's not like Mexico with mile upon mile of beach, but it has hills, and trees. There is life everywhere, it reminds me of paradise!

The people are all very friendly... some of them- mainly the men- perhaps TOO friendly. I have never been hit on so much. It was uncomfortable at times, but it was also a nice reminder. Everyone needs to be informed now and then that they are desired, however shallow that yearning may be.

Having toured a little bit of the island on a day excursion I was also reminded of how blessed we are in North America. They all have so little, and their houses look as if they are on the verge of collapsing. Of course, when hurricane season lasts from June till November, for half the year your house practically is falling down!

It is the perfect vacation- an all inclusive resort. No cooking or cleaning. Sleep when you want, eat when you want, drink when you want. The biggest problem we faced was having to wait for seats at the restaurant. Which, in retrospect was not that big of a deal.

To enjoy life in this manner for a week, or two... or maybe even 3, is surely a sublime existence. But ultimately, having a larger meaning in life - a reason other than wanting good chairs at the beach- to get up everyday, wins out. Or so I'd imagine it would... if I ever put this theory to the test.

Unfortunately, however, it will have to remain a mere theory for now. Money, job, and so called "life" have summoned me home and I am back to work.

~As the Jamaicans say, "we have a situation here"~