That which has always been rumoured, but never experienced in my life has transpired! Up until now, when a man had been told of his woman's discontent or worry, some [false] sympathy had been expressed, and a moment or two of "transformation" unfolded. But that was the extent of it. Recently however, after informing Mason that I was unhappy and needed a change. I was amazed to SEE that change occur- almost instantaneously.
Now I know what you sceptics are thinking- because I use to be one, so I know how you think. But it's been nearly 2 weeks, and the alterations in behaviour have been constant throughout. It was not a one time thing, but a genuine, modification.
I am baffled, overwhelmed, and sincerely impressed. Miracles really do happen!
He continues to amaze me, and for that I am grateful. I applaud his heart, commitment, and patience (mostly in dealing with my sometimes irrational fears).
~only slightly exaggerated~
Now I know what you sceptics are thinking- because I use to be one, so I know how you think. But it's been nearly 2 weeks, and the alterations in behaviour have been constant throughout. It was not a one time thing, but a genuine, modification.
I am baffled, overwhelmed, and sincerely impressed. Miracles really do happen!
He continues to amaze me, and for that I am grateful. I applaud his heart, commitment, and patience (mostly in dealing with my sometimes irrational fears).
~only slightly exaggerated~