i've previously told you about our neighbour, you know, the one who's computer faces our kitchen window. the one who watches porn, and even though Erin pounds on the window for him to turn it off/close his blinds, the next time (the same day in fact) the blinds are open again.
well this guy really has no shame.
he knows we can see him, yet his blinds are always open.
Over the past 2 and a half months we have seen far too many aspects of his pathetic life.
there's his World of Warcraft passion
girl-on-girl porn fetish (for breakfast...)
un-mother-approved eating habits (mhmm a 2L bottle of Pepsi and a large bag of salt n' vinegar ships sounds like a good dinner to me!!)
hand-bangin' bum shakin' awkward shifting dancing!
the most recent 'sharing' incident between his room and our kitchen was thankfully one i did not witness. instead, Erin was the fortunate observer of GCG (greasy computer guy) undressing.... (i try ever so hard not to laugh, because it truly was a painful and scarring experience for Erin).
Who knew that all that sitting at the computer, eating chips, and drinking pop wasn't good for his figure?!
however, in good news, he got a haircut, AND a new shirt!
~the life of a bachelor~