You’d think with two sisters at home, baby-sitting would not be something i’d get stuck with. don’t get me wrong, i truly do enjoy baby-sitting (when they are not kids from Hell) but it was not what i had planned on doing my fist saturday back in town.
However, as one sister was out of town for a volleyball tournament and the other sick i was their third and final option. so there i was, spending my Saturday evening with a 9 and 7 year old.
We decided to play on the trampoline. Two neighbour boys came over. They (notice how my opinion no longer matters) decided we would play tag-on the trampoline- me being it. So, they stood on the time out tree taking turns charging at me and trying not to get tagged. At one point in time i dove at them from across the trampoline. I took on a wild and uncontrollable rolling action. Unfortunately the trampoline was smaller than i recalled and the turbulent spinning hurled me over the edge and onto a small brick wall.
I hit my elbow and my leg on the brick wall and a random lawn chair and I hurt my pride. Yet i got back up again. To show my pain in front of children is amiss. I remember as a child, to see a grownup wounded was unnerving. I'd hate to have caused such a frightening experience for them now as their senior.
So now, i suffer from a number of rather large and tender bruises and the memory of a stupid action in front youngsters.
It may be a while before i'm in a bathing suit again
-the joys of being uncoordinated, accident-prone and blonde (i get these superb qualities from my mother)-
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
Finally, after little sleep, less food and a substantial amount of sitting I have reached my final destination.
I was delighted to see that nearly my entire family was awake and anxiously awaiting my arrival. Though my brother had begged to be permitted to remain sleepless like the rest of the family, my mother objected. She knew his tendencies all too well, his lack of sleep would only add extra irritation to his actions, something no one wished to cope with the next day. Instead I was able to visit him well he sleptwalk later on that evening. The blank stare and unresponsiveness made our time together short, but extremely enjoyable. Sleep walkers can be exceptionally entertaining at times.
The atmosphere here is completely different than at school, which is not surprising. The 6 people present under this roof, with only a limited amount of visitors per day cannot compare to the ways of dorm. Though, as I sit here I wonder what are those voices that I can frequently hear in the back of my mind and then I realize: I can hear my thoughts! Such a foreign feeling, something I had nearly forgotten since my last time home. Those things which, while in dorm often kept me from this experiment now haunt my mind though. Not with feelings of loathing, but with a longing heart. No more
- constant laughter echoing from the rooms down the hall
- random calling from surrounding rooms
- knocking at the window
- blood curdling alarms from the absent minded girls
- singing from my only neighbour
- persistent humming of showers or toilets being flushed
- sirens and horns from the streets outside
It is almost erie!
Though there is a definite improvement here which is one I have been looking forward to for ages.
A dark sky shining with millions and billions of stars.
I wonder how I was ever able to survive with such a pathetic excuse for stars during my stay in the city.
I'm puzzled over how city folk are able to exist with such pitiful amounts of stars.
But perhaps, they know nothing better?! Could it be that they are unaware of the true appearance and magnificence of stars?
I think that it should be a requirement for all people to spend time away from the hustle and bustle of the city and to experience true beauty, silence and darkness.
-do you suppose they are equally ignorant of Northern Lights?-
I was delighted to see that nearly my entire family was awake and anxiously awaiting my arrival. Though my brother had begged to be permitted to remain sleepless like the rest of the family, my mother objected. She knew his tendencies all too well, his lack of sleep would only add extra irritation to his actions, something no one wished to cope with the next day. Instead I was able to visit him well he sleptwalk later on that evening. The blank stare and unresponsiveness made our time together short, but extremely enjoyable. Sleep walkers can be exceptionally entertaining at times.
The atmosphere here is completely different than at school, which is not surprising. The 6 people present under this roof, with only a limited amount of visitors per day cannot compare to the ways of dorm. Though, as I sit here I wonder what are those voices that I can frequently hear in the back of my mind and then I realize: I can hear my thoughts! Such a foreign feeling, something I had nearly forgotten since my last time home. Those things which, while in dorm often kept me from this experiment now haunt my mind though. Not with feelings of loathing, but with a longing heart. No more
- constant laughter echoing from the rooms down the hall
- random calling from surrounding rooms
- knocking at the window
- blood curdling alarms from the absent minded girls
- singing from my only neighbour
- persistent humming of showers or toilets being flushed
- sirens and horns from the streets outside
It is almost erie!
Though there is a definite improvement here which is one I have been looking forward to for ages.
A dark sky shining with millions and billions of stars.
I wonder how I was ever able to survive with such a pathetic excuse for stars during my stay in the city.
I'm puzzled over how city folk are able to exist with such pitiful amounts of stars.
But perhaps, they know nothing better?! Could it be that they are unaware of the true appearance and magnificence of stars?
I think that it should be a requirement for all people to spend time away from the hustle and bustle of the city and to experience true beauty, silence and darkness.
-do you suppose they are equally ignorant of Northern Lights?-
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Change Change Change
4 days till I leave for home.
In those 4 days I have to write 2 more exams, study for them, pack up the entire contents of my room, say goodbye to numerous people who have grown very dear to my hear in hopes that I will see them again, and clean my room.
There are half packed bags and boxes situated all around my room, it's depressing, but not nearly as haunting as the increase number of the empty rooms that I am surrounded with.
I hate good byes.
When interrogated about my summer plans, I have nothing to answer with. My plans are presently nothing more then ideas. I've been putting off planning for the summer in hopes that it would not come so quickly.
That plan did not work so well.
I am, however, excited to be going home to see my family and some old friends. Though, I've discovered lately that, missing someone who you have not seen for an extended amount of time is not nearly as painful as missing someone who you have grown accustomed to seeing everyday.
I suppose that after the summer it will be everyone from school who will be the ones who I will have been separated from for a prolonged amount of time and my family and home friends who haven taken their positions as the ones I'm used to seeing.
In any sense . . . I'm really going to miss this way of life, no rules or boundaries to worry about, and visitors constantly dropping by and aiding with my procrastination habits.
-I'm constantly reminded of how change is good, but if we never had to experience it, we'd never know that and we'd bee content with what we have-
In those 4 days I have to write 2 more exams, study for them, pack up the entire contents of my room, say goodbye to numerous people who have grown very dear to my hear in hopes that I will see them again, and clean my room.
There are half packed bags and boxes situated all around my room, it's depressing, but not nearly as haunting as the increase number of the empty rooms that I am surrounded with.
I hate good byes.
When interrogated about my summer plans, I have nothing to answer with. My plans are presently nothing more then ideas. I've been putting off planning for the summer in hopes that it would not come so quickly.
That plan did not work so well.
I am, however, excited to be going home to see my family and some old friends. Though, I've discovered lately that, missing someone who you have not seen for an extended amount of time is not nearly as painful as missing someone who you have grown accustomed to seeing everyday.
I suppose that after the summer it will be everyone from school who will be the ones who I will have been separated from for a prolonged amount of time and my family and home friends who haven taken their positions as the ones I'm used to seeing.
In any sense . . . I'm really going to miss this way of life, no rules or boundaries to worry about, and visitors constantly dropping by and aiding with my procrastination habits.
-I'm constantly reminded of how change is good, but if we never had to experience it, we'd never know that and we'd bee content with what we have-
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
and i never will be 20
You Are 19 Years Old |
![]() Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
Past to Future
Home in dorm again after a refreshing and exuberant Easter long weekend in Lloydminster. How I wish we could return to Canada's 'Border City' and its simple yet pleasant way of life.
Memories flash through my mind of
- real food; how sweet, juicy and overly enjoyable
- hide and go seek in Walmart - first time ever getting evicted from the premises of a public place
- nearly 6 hours of story time (we read the end half of Harry Potter 5 aloud to each other!) We are not nerds . . . :)
- movies, movies, and movies (some more then once)
- kicking shoes into the tree- which most definitely had an affect of the other tree a few feet away which only days later came crashing to the ground (where we had been parked)!
- and just over all good times spent sitting, talking, playing games and making chocolate cake!
Now I sit here, alone in my half empty room. Boxes, both full and bare, surround my desk. My walls, which were once covered in pictures and quotes now appear naked and desolate.
There are however, a few quotes remaining which support my anti-love/anti-guy theme:
"There are easier things in life than finding a good man . . . Like nailing jello to a tree for instance"
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night the ice weasels come"
"Can't eat, Can't sleep, Get butterflies in your stomach- feels great! It's not love, it's someone other then your mom thinking you are cool"
"Some people are like slinkies . . . Not really good for anything, but you can't help but smile when they fall down the stairs"
These quotes have been referred to a number of times throughout the year and used to cheer us up in times of sorrow or wrath towards the opposite sex.
I've collected a number to add to this collection next year:
"If you want me to fall for you, you've got to give me something worth tripping over"
"A heart is not a play thing, A heart is not a toy, But if you want it broken, Just give it to a boy. "
"Don't rush into falling in love, take your time, enjoy the pain!"
I wonder how all this will be for my future roommate, to be forced to see these everyday of her dorm life. She's been with the same guy for years and posts picture of him all over her room . . .Will we be divided just as are choices of decor will be?
-It's hard to pretend you love someone when you really don't,
but it's even more difficult to pretend that you don't love someone when you really do. -
Memories flash through my mind of
- real food; how sweet, juicy and overly enjoyable
- hide and go seek in Walmart - first time ever getting evicted from the premises of a public place
- nearly 6 hours of story time (we read the end half of Harry Potter 5 aloud to each other!) We are not nerds . . . :)
- movies, movies, and movies (some more then once)
- kicking shoes into the tree- which most definitely had an affect of the other tree a few feet away which only days later came crashing to the ground (where we had been parked)!
- and just over all good times spent sitting, talking, playing games and making chocolate cake!
Now I sit here, alone in my half empty room. Boxes, both full and bare, surround my desk. My walls, which were once covered in pictures and quotes now appear naked and desolate.
There are however, a few quotes remaining which support my anti-love/anti-guy theme:
"There are easier things in life than finding a good man . . . Like nailing jello to a tree for instance"
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night the ice weasels come"
"Can't eat, Can't sleep, Get butterflies in your stomach- feels great! It's not love, it's someone other then your mom thinking you are cool"
"Some people are like slinkies . . . Not really good for anything, but you can't help but smile when they fall down the stairs"
These quotes have been referred to a number of times throughout the year and used to cheer us up in times of sorrow or wrath towards the opposite sex.
I've collected a number to add to this collection next year:
"If you want me to fall for you, you've got to give me something worth tripping over"
"A heart is not a play thing, A heart is not a toy, But if you want it broken, Just give it to a boy. "
"Don't rush into falling in love, take your time, enjoy the pain!"
I wonder how all this will be for my future roommate, to be forced to see these everyday of her dorm life. She's been with the same guy for years and posts picture of him all over her room . . .Will we be divided just as are choices of decor will be?
-It's hard to pretend you love someone when you really don't,
but it's even more difficult to pretend that you don't love someone when you really do. -
Monday, April 17, 2006
A Response (finally, so sorry)
Ok Leah, here it is . . .
1. Yours is the only car I ever recognize in the parking lots! It's just so unique!
2. Breakaway - by Kelly Clarkson
3. Straightening hair . . . I can't believe you all trusted me with your hair! lol
4. Cowboy hunting + anti-boy club
5. When you came to Dryden ages ago on the summer crew team!!
6. A kitten
7. I dunno, just random questions that well lead to a stronger friendship and further understanding of each other!
8. "There are easier things in life than finding a good man- like nailing jello to a tree for instance" (it's posted on my wall, and I think its true . . . )
9. I think that you should not settle for anything less then perfect . . . God has a perfect plan for you and he will one day place an amazing guy in your life . . . and when you finally meet him, you're going to know why you waited for that perfect one!
10. Time to post!
Justin's turn . . .
1. Justin, last year we were in nearly every drama group together, which rocked cause you knew all the tricks to the lights and technology!
2. monty python and the holy grail
3. lol, oh boy, I remember drama class (not 149, the other one, was it 102?) and you sitting in the audience always yelling at the people who were trying to work the computer! You'd first tell them how it worked, but they never listened to you and you'd get so frustrated!
4. Costco is the quintessential family hangout place!
5. First memory . . . The boy that kept following me around in my drama groups :P
6. A pony
7. Does it bug you that you are attending school the same place as your sister and where both your parents are employed?
8. "If you were meant to fly, God would have given you wings"
9. I think that you are an excellent techy, especially with the lights!
10. This is your part - post!
Last but not least, Miss Alyson . . .
1. You know, you have a very original spelling of your name, I like it, it most definitely fits your personality!
2."Praise You with the Dance" -Casting Crowns
3. Drama class . . . so many good times, that's where I met you, well, got to know you more and I'll always remember those times. (especially the massage circle!)
4. I'm living vicariously through you!
5. In drama class when Krysta and I were asking you questions about a certain boy and whether or not he was available (for a friend, not for either of us) . . .lol
6. Kangaroo - always happy and jumping!
7. I would've just like to get to know you better before you leave . . . But we have little time now . . .Keep in touch!
8. 'Friends are like bras, They're close to your heart and there for support.'
9. I think you are one the most optimistic people I know, you are always happy, always smiling and friendly to everyone. You are very encouraging and I'm going to miss you tons next year . . .
10. Post time . . .
1. Yours is the only car I ever recognize in the parking lots! It's just so unique!
2. Breakaway - by Kelly Clarkson
3. Straightening hair . . . I can't believe you all trusted me with your hair! lol
4. Cowboy hunting + anti-boy club
5. When you came to Dryden ages ago on the summer crew team!!
6. A kitten
7. I dunno, just random questions that well lead to a stronger friendship and further understanding of each other!
8. "There are easier things in life than finding a good man- like nailing jello to a tree for instance" (it's posted on my wall, and I think its true . . . )
9. I think that you should not settle for anything less then perfect . . . God has a perfect plan for you and he will one day place an amazing guy in your life . . . and when you finally meet him, you're going to know why you waited for that perfect one!
10. Time to post!
Justin's turn . . .
1. Justin, last year we were in nearly every drama group together, which rocked cause you knew all the tricks to the lights and technology!
2. monty python and the holy grail
3. lol, oh boy, I remember drama class (not 149, the other one, was it 102?) and you sitting in the audience always yelling at the people who were trying to work the computer! You'd first tell them how it worked, but they never listened to you and you'd get so frustrated!
4. Costco is the quintessential family hangout place!
5. First memory . . . The boy that kept following me around in my drama groups :P
6. A pony
7. Does it bug you that you are attending school the same place as your sister and where both your parents are employed?
8. "If you were meant to fly, God would have given you wings"
9. I think that you are an excellent techy, especially with the lights!
10. This is your part - post!
Last but not least, Miss Alyson . . .
1. You know, you have a very original spelling of your name, I like it, it most definitely fits your personality!
2."Praise You with the Dance" -Casting Crowns
3. Drama class . . . so many good times, that's where I met you, well, got to know you more and I'll always remember those times. (especially the massage circle!)
4. I'm living vicariously through you!
5. In drama class when Krysta and I were asking you questions about a certain boy and whether or not he was available (for a friend, not for either of us) . . .lol
6. Kangaroo - always happy and jumping!
7. I would've just like to get to know you better before you leave . . . But we have little time now . . .Keep in touch!
8. 'Friends are like bras, They're close to your heart and there for support.'
9. I think you are one the most optimistic people I know, you are always happy, always smiling and friendly to everyone. You are very encouraging and I'm going to miss you tons next year . . .
10. Post time . . .
Saturday, April 8, 2006
My Name, Your Name
As was previously agreed, I must post this on my blog . . .
it all began with Jenn's blog which read:
so join in my adventure.....give me your name and I will:
1) Reply with your name and I'll respond with something random about you.
2) I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3) I'll tell you my favorite memory with you.
4) I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5) I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6) I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7) I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8) I'll give you a quote that reminds me of you.
9) I'll tell you something that I think about you.
10) If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST. It is written.
So, I followed the instructions, and posted my name and Jenn responded with this:
1. snow is white. you make snow angels in white snow, not yellow snow, and not hot pink snow.
2. IÂ?m thinking complicated, by avril
3. well, I think when I figured out it was you at the pirates and nijas party. I had no idea.
4. I donÂ?t want to go to choir, IÂ?m going to be late.
5. I met you with the other Ontario folk. IÂ?m sorry youÂ?re from Ontario. west coast rules!!!
6. a white parrot.
7. ummm, I would like to have a conversation with you about boys.
8. itÂ?s on the tip tongueoungue..something about the cafeteria.
9. I think you can do great things.
10. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST. It is written.
And I will now continue on with this . . . if you post your name, i will post similar memories and thoughts I have of you . . .
Dun, Dun, Dun
it all began with Jenn's blog which read:
so join in my adventure.....give me your name and I will:
1) Reply with your name and I'll respond with something random about you.
2) I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3) I'll tell you my favorite memory with you.
4) I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5) I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6) I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7) I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8) I'll give you a quote that reminds me of you.
9) I'll tell you something that I think about you.
10) If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST. It is written.
So, I followed the instructions, and posted my name and Jenn responded with this:
1. snow is white. you make snow angels in white snow, not yellow snow, and not hot pink snow.
2. IÂ?m thinking complicated, by avril
3. well, I think when I figured out it was you at the pirates and nijas party. I had no idea.
4. I donÂ?t want to go to choir, IÂ?m going to be late.
5. I met you with the other Ontario folk. IÂ?m sorry youÂ?re from Ontario. west coast rules!!!
6. a white parrot.
7. ummm, I would like to have a conversation with you about boys.
8. itÂ?s on the tip tongueoungue..something about the cafeteria.
9. I think you can do great things.
10. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST. It is written.
And I will now continue on with this . . . if you post your name, i will post similar memories and thoughts I have of you . . .
Dun, Dun, Dun
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
New Chapter
Another chapter in my life is coming to an end, leaving behind a multitude of unanswered questions.
Don't you despise that! -when there are plots introduced to the reader which are never brought to a satisfying conclusion. The characters seem to be left hanging, with no responses to their conflicts . . .
It drives me into disturbed mental states, often causing uncontrollable thoughts and actions.
My thoughts at this moment rest on what this new chapter may bring.
How many of the characters will return, and how many new ones will be introduced?
Will they be characters worth getting acquainted with, or will they be villains?
Will there be uplifting and stimulating times or will it all turn to despairing and discouraging occurrences?
Where will it take place?
There are countless possibilities for this approaching chapter, and yet no synopsis to prepare us.
Is it worth risking time and energy on . . . or should I attempt to locate a new one to take part in.
So many questions that can only be solved in time . . . but in what amount of time?
It could be hours, days, months, years . . .
-I generally enjoy longer stories, but in this case, I may be willing to make an exception-
Don't you despise that! -when there are plots introduced to the reader which are never brought to a satisfying conclusion. The characters seem to be left hanging, with no responses to their conflicts . . .
It drives me into disturbed mental states, often causing uncontrollable thoughts and actions.
My thoughts at this moment rest on what this new chapter may bring.
How many of the characters will return, and how many new ones will be introduced?
Will they be characters worth getting acquainted with, or will they be villains?
Will there be uplifting and stimulating times or will it all turn to despairing and discouraging occurrences?
Where will it take place?
There are countless possibilities for this approaching chapter, and yet no synopsis to prepare us.
Is it worth risking time and energy on . . . or should I attempt to locate a new one to take part in.
So many questions that can only be solved in time . . . but in what amount of time?
It could be hours, days, months, years . . .
-I generally enjoy longer stories, but in this case, I may be willing to make an exception-
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