Friday, March 31, 2006

All in an Evening

Yesterday I saw a gorgeous guy. We nearly walked into each other, but he paused long enough to let me pass. He looked at me, and I at him, but nothing was said. He then walked on . . . was there one last look from him before he continued on with his life?
How I wish I could read silence . . .

So, supposedly last night, while we slept, the fire alarm went off (it was only for a short amount of time). It woke only two dormies, not including staff.
Three fire trucks came, with lights, sirens and fireman . . . they even entered the building!
But we slept on, there was little time for beauty sleep, we had to take advantage of it.
Had i known, however, that there were fireman, i may have been willing to sacrificed a few minutes of sleep.

What if it had been a real emergency?! Would the alarm, the commotion, the lights, wake us up?

- another night like the last today please, but with me as the witness -

Monday, March 27, 2006

Passionate about Pink

As a young girl, my loathing for pink was bazaar and unaccountable.
My best friend and I as young girls, often adjusted our 'favourite colour' many times a week, just to be unique from out younger sisters.
I recall having 'confidential conferences' by the water fountain during class time, we discussed how one of our copious sisters had decided to share our favourite colour. As the older and 'wiser' ones, we would not allow it. We would come up with a new colour to claim as ours.
There were two colours however, that were never 'ours'. Purple and Pink.
Purple, because it had been associated with my sister since I can remember, and to share a favourite colour with your sister is just tacky.
Pink, was pink. It was the colour which defined a 'girly-girl' something which neither of as wanted any connection with.

It took me 16 years to overcome that stereotype.

Now, on this beautiful spring day, I find myself dressed in practically all pink.
This is not due to the fact that I am now a 'girly-girl', but because I am fond of the colour. It is an exceedingly happy colour, I often use it to reflect my moods.
In fact, I am using it to reflect my mood regarding the weather!

It truly is a b-e-a-utiful colour!

-Pink makes me happy!-

Friday, March 24, 2006

Save the Horse . . .

Random question of the day :

Can you describe your life as of now, in 3 words?

My Answer:
A continual adventure . . . but does 'a' count as a word?
Questioner - i don't know, i think a word has to be over 3 letters
(perhaps i should ask one of those professors who ask for 1500 word papers)

(my roommate is presently yelling at the voices in her head)

It has been over 2 weeks since our plans had been formulated. I had never fully comprehended or been acquainted with the entirety of the situation, but it seemed like it would be a momentous occasion none the less.
And so, at 9 last night we departed for our adventure.

Our final destination -Cookcounty Saloon (it turns out the closest parking is really at McDonald's). A superb location for line dancing (no matter the degree in which you are presently dancing at, from beginner [as i am presently at] or intermediate) I was informed.
Upon arriving i discovered that the bouncer was from my part of the country! ~It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small, small world~ It is rather strange at times to meet people who have ventured great distances to escape the ways of their old lives.
But to great avail? I was never presented with the opportunity to inquire upon such matters, if i return, perhaps i will query upon his success.
The saloon, which i then found my self in, was surprisingly large. It had at minimal 3 bars, a fair sized dance floor and a large number of tables.
EMPTY tables.

I looked around, and omitting the staff, there were scarcely enough people to fully wrap their arms around a B.C. tree!
We found a fairly secluded table in the corner (we were attempting to escape the crowds, don't-you-know!). Within minutes however, we were bombarded by some floozy dancers (who were wearing Big Earl T-shirts, [we suspected they worked for Big Earl's radio station]). They requested upon taking our photo for the Big Earl website. We obliged.
We sat at our table sipping drinks, anticipating the crowds to arrive by 10.
But 10 came, and 10 went, and the only adventures we experienced was my gaining of 100 cool points and Krysta and Kelsey's dancing with the Big Earl girls.
We decided to go searching for crowds. So down White Av. we went.

It did not take us an extensive amount of time to realize where the multitudes were situated. It was no a surprise that, on a game night, they were found glued in front of a T.V. set. Typical men, though i must admit, while passing the windows i slowed my pace, creating an opportunity to enjoy the game myself.
The city's team were i in overtime and it would be a while before they male race would begin to venture onto the streets again.
We decided your search was in vain.

So much for meeting some cowboys!
Perhaps we shall try this again, on an evening more common to party life, line dancing and cowboys. Though i have my doubts.

-Save the horse . . . it's more dependable then the cowboy-

Monday, March 20, 2006

Spring at 11:26

It is said that it will be Spring at 11:26 this afternoon. This strikes me as an odd time to choose. Though it most likely was not chosen but specified by the rotation of the sun, or some other such nonsense hypothesis elucidated by scientist, or would this be more of a geologist job?

What precisely is the purpose and responsibility of a geologists?

With spring suddenly at our doorstep I have my doubts to what Spring truly is. Just 4 days ago we received over a foot of snow! Which is completely ridiculous.
Throughout the winter months, designated specifically for snow, we received none. There were days during those months that the temperatures were so extreme that I had been tempted to wear shorts and had it not been for the odious condition of my legs, I most likely would have.
However now, at the time when shorts and no jackets is upon us, the snow accumulation is ludicrous. When the geologists declare spring time, I expect it to come!

Or perhaps a geologist has no power, just theories.
In that case, he is no better then a philosopher in my eyes.

The abnormal amounts of snow however is no stranger to my ordinary season norms.
It is a prevailing belief in North Western Ontario (my home territory) that our seasons occur as such :
Winter (known to the reset of Canada as [kttroca] Fall/Autumn)
More winter (kttroca Winter)
Still winter and (kttroca Spring)
Construction (kttroca Summer)

So I am accustomed to snow from September to May. However, I had hoped to enjoy some beautifully acclaimed spring weather here before I am to return to further winter conditions. It presently appears however, like I am destined to live a life of winter.

-perhaps I am also destined to marry a snowMan-

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Descartes' Dilemma with Dreams

According to Descartes, it is difficult to distinguish between your sleeping/dreaming state and your conscious state. (this is something I have come to remotely understand in my philosophy 102 class this semester)

I disagree with Descartes on this statement (as well as a few others which I presently do not wish to discuss). These past number of evenings I have been having extremely bizarre and deranged dreams. The most peculiar one as of lately occurring two nights ago proceeded as follows.

I first dreamt that an acquaintance of mine was trying to get me to smoke a plastic fork with mustard on it! (that's not even possible, and therefore Mr. Descartes, it cannot be confused with reality) I refused and he ended up getting caught in his 'illegal acts'.
As well, I dreamt that there was a group of us who had been sent to eliminate a certain band of people. I recall first becoming 'friends' with these people, and once they trusted me executing such actions such as grasping them by their feet and beating them against a tree trunk until they were dead. We also, at some point, used knives to 'do the job'.
In my dream this criminal and appalling activity did not faze me in the least. I continued on with my task, becoming aware of what I was doing only when I left one of the corpses where it had been discovered and they threatened to publicly announce my involvement with the affair.

This dream, I know, would never transpire in my waking state, at least not with my involvement. The mere thought of such activities sends chills across my body.

-dreams offer a liberation impossible to reach while in a state of consciousness-

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The M&M Dispenser Theory

If ever one is in need of finding friends fast (girls in particular) i highly recommend an investment in an M&M dispenser. It need not be an exceptionally fashionable one, nor an extraordinarily expensive one, for all that is truly needed is an endless supply of M&M's.

Before I had departed from my home town to make my way to my new abode, a family friend bestowed on me a small trifle of affection. That item appeared to be nothing of great value. It was assembled with what appeared to be scraps of wood (which had not been stained) and an old jar. Yet, this is not the physical appearance in which i wished to draw attention to. Instead, it is the blessings in which it generated.

Upon my preliminary arrival here at dorm I was familiar with only one fellow resident, my roommate. But, due to my highly developed brain i discovered a way in which to 'make friends'.
It first began with the girl across the hall, and soon expanded, for over the next few days the amount of visitors i was receiving increased readily (and i began to realize, that due to the fact that my roommate rarely bathed, there was something more that must be drawing them to my chambers). I began to noticed that each time i had a visitor, they would also visit the M&M dispenser.
Reality soon became apparent to me. My reign over then entire dorm looked promising [insert evil laugh here].

So, i continue to refill that dispenser.
You may never know when one may be in need of diligent and devoted workers :)

-Free Chocolate + Females = POWER-

Friday, March 10, 2006

Mrs. Captain Jack Sparrow

Tomorrow evening - Pirates & Ninjas Box Social party!

Krysta and I have been . . . testing out our costumes for tomorrow. Upon our initial tests we were mistaken as 'baseball players'. Now, don't get me wrong (Jordan) there is nothing wrong with baseball players, they just would seem out of place at a Pirates & Ninjas party. Even more so than the rumoured Knights.
I, however, saw more the "Lost Boys" look over the baseball player style. Which, was cleverly noted, is one step closer to a pirate, since they were known to fight (and often win) against pirates.

So, with the assistance of hair products (for Krysta) and donations (from a number of fellow dormies) we were able to accomplish the "pirate" look with more enthusiasm then previously acclaimed.

Tomorrow, after a quick stop at the dollar store and a detour to get "more supplies" for other members of the squad, we will test our pirate skills and attire.

-Yo Ho Yo Ho a pirates life for me!-

Tuesday, March 7, 2006



MATTER: mood

PROBLEM: filled with rage, disgust, loathing, doubt, forlorn hope, extreme distaste, unreasonably emotional

REASON: unknown

RESOLUTION: chocolate?

THOUGHTS: there may be a certain person/certain people/group of people who is/are most definitely at the top of my 'hit' list this evening, but i can assure you that i know not the complete reason. It was almost as if some sort of revelation came to me suddenly, revealing that i should be irritated and bitter towards them. And the rest of my mind concurred with that surprising fact (which was rather unnatural sensation-that my entire being agreed on one specific thing).
These events have led me to my present state of loathing, neglect, hostile and chocolate craving. As one can learn from the above information, i am unsure of how to manage in a respectable and rational fashion.

DIAGNOSIS: completely out of my mind

Monday, March 6, 2006

Happy Alaurda!!

Random afternoons are most often the most enjoyable.

While returning from our mail check (where we both received acceptance letters to the 'Residence Life Program' for next year!) Manda discovered that one of her most loathed classes of the year (ever since she'd dropped Ed Psych) had been canceled for the day!
So, we decided to celebrate by enjoying the b-e-a-u-tiful weather and go on a walk!
There is a common saying that says "there is always good in the bad" and I completely agree. Except, during this good time I've discovered that there is always something bad in the good. At this point, in my highest mood of the week, I discovered just what that bad is.
I have had a hole in the bottom of my shoe for, well, since drama 149 last semester. I've frequently claimed that I was going to repair the hole 'as soon as I had returned home', yet it was always placed at the end of my 'to do' list with my other important tasks (homework, for example). I began to regret that primary characteristic of mine. Walking outdoors on sunny spring day however can get relatively damp, which causes no comfortable feeling when one has a hole in their shoe.
In no time at all, I was soon transporting a compact pond in my shoe, more specificity, between my toes.
While the walk was most enjoyable, the conditions could have been superior.

On the W-A-L-K (in the P-A-R-K, park!) Manda and I discovered that is was none other then Alaurda! We decided the best way to celebrate such a holiday would be to eat chocolate (surprise, surprise) pie/cake and write poetry for each other in it! It was a superb plan and we could not wait for evening!

It was 3:20, and Manda had requested that if I did not see her by 3:13 that I was to wake her from her slumber!
I entered her room quietly with the intention of joining her in bed.
My plan worked perfectly; while she slept I pounced!

Now, as I sit here, Amanda calls my name, beckoning me to join her in our celebration!
And who can say no to a red fruitloop with chocolate?!
Not me, I must be off.

-joyous Alaurda to all those who wish to celebrate our existence and individuality-

Friday, March 3, 2006

'Are You OK?'

'Are you ok?'

That is one of the worst questions to be asked, especially when the individual is fully aware that there is something wrong and there is no possible way for you to be 'ok'.
Obviously, since it is such a commonly asked question, the answer is going to be given almost subconsciously.

When people are in states of distress and discomfort, it is best to ask either direct questions or none at all. A casual "Are you ok" will neither offer any assistance nor encourage the individual to elaborate on their present condition.

If it just so happens that someone is faced with such a situation as was previously mentioned my suggestion is a hug. It's as simple as that.

A hug can say many things especially when your mouth cannot.

-a hug may not heal someone, but the healing is not up to you-

Thursday, March 2, 2006

My Ride to an Unstable Future

It is a common occurrence in my life that I become confused with certain situations.
Even things that once seemed so straightforward now have come to bewilder me beyond comprehension.
It is enough to drive an innocent girl to the brink of insanity!
Which is more then enough to drive an already unstable girl to complete madness!

Back to my incompetence of deciphering my own thoughts.
Perhaps my reason for such uncertainty in my contemplations and emotions are due to my over assessment of nearly every insignificant experience.
It seems that I can evolve even the most irrelevant pieces of information into something drastic.
It has become a rather stressful hobby I must say.

Perhaps I should take up cross stitching, I hear it is relaxing.

-I wish I were numb, with no thoughts, emotions and pains-